Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday NFL recap - week 5

Steelers: - My buddy was texting from Heinz Field where he had seats on the 30 yard line. I had to watch via the computer while listening to Steelers radio.
  • We always play well in those bee uniforms. I love them.
  • October in the NFL means pink. I got out my pink Terrible Towel( that I received when I went to Heinz Field in October ) to wave with the home crowd.
  • Today's receiver was Sammie Coates, although he missed two key passes, but in his defense the man cut his hand and had to have stitches. Still he shook that all off and made some key catches, ending with two touchdowns from Big Ben.
  • Of course, all the media wanted to talk about was Tom Brady, and that is just fine with us. Big Ben put up 34-47 for 380 yards, and four touchdowns earning himself more places in the record books both in the league and within the organization, and he did it quietly without any big hype. Just the way we like it.
  • Team had only one penalty. One. Now that's what I'm talking about.
  • When it came to protecting the quarterback, the offensive line gave Ben tons of time to sit in the pocket and look down the field. 
  • Jets quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick looks like an old man with that big, bushy beard. It isn't working for him, and someone should let him know that.
  • No gyrating for AB this week even after scorning a touchdown. Apparently, $24,000 for his last booty shimmy was the answer to him settling down. He is appealing that fine. He did have to remove his tribute shoes, this week it was hail to Mohammed Ali, when the referees spoke to him during warm-ups. I'm not sure why he keeps thinking he doesn't have to follow the rules.
  • But I did like him acting like Cam Newton and giving the ball to a woman on the sideline holding a giant Antonio Brown head. Oh, and she got a hug. Way better than his twerking. But...what is with this big head trend?
  • Seriously, I'm starting to join the bandwagon in believing the Browns are cursed. Another quarterback bit the dust yesterday for Cleveland and then his backup got hurt. They are like on their 13456 quarterback, and I'm thinking that I might not answer the phone if I were a quarterback sitting on the couch at home.
  • Of course, all the media wanted to talk about was Tom Brady's return, Tom Brady's ability to go out and throw, and Tom Brady's staggering stats. Again..really? Brady's return from a suspension shouldn't have been heralded, should it? He was involved in cheating. Brady can still throw? What? Not being in the stadium makes your arm tender? Brady's numbers? He played against the worst team in the league, the team who is now on their umpteenth quarterback. One headline actually suggested that football is now starting now that Brady's back. Uh....what has been happening for the past four weeks? People! The man was suspended, not on vacation. Let's remember that.
  • The Vikings 5-0 without their quarterback and without their running back. Anyone stepping up and making a prediction this early?
  • The Colts are saying quarterback Andrew Luck's $122 million dollar contract signed over the summer is making life difficult for building their team. So, isn't that something that you should have thought about before backing up the Brink's truck into the Indiana Farm Bureau Center?
  • So San Diego on third and one opted to run from behind the line of scrimmage. When that didn't work instead of going for the win they opted to kick for the tie, and holder Drew Kaser bobbles the ball and loses it. Hello, Chargers, you have someone named Phillip Rivers running your team. Why? How come we aren't talking about rolling heads in San Diego?
  • Eli Manning's face said it all when he was asked about what he "tells" Odell Beckham Jr. in regards to reigning in his temper. An oh-Michelle-he-is-a-grown-man -what-would-you-say-to-him look.
  • I think all of the commercials that Packers Aaron Rogers has been doing this year have actually made him more relaxed and, frankly, likable. 
  • Whoop! Whoop! Baltimore loses! Whoop! Whoop! Cleveland loses! Whoop! Whoop! Cincinnati beaten! What a great Sunday for football.

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