Wednesday, November 02, 2016

10 month resolution check

Gulp. Two months until I have to think of new resolutions? What?

I grade from 1-10, with 10 being the highest.
  1. To get into a routine with my physical therapy exercises and to have massages - I would say that the routine with the workouts has gone well. The massage thing had to be placed on the back burner due to the cyst-that-wouldn't-die. That can't be helped, although I have paid for massages that are waiting while this thing heals. Grade: 6
  2. To be serious about getting healthy, lose weight, exercise regularly, swim - Again, out with the swimming due to the cyst-that-wouldn't-die. The healthy, weight loss, and exercising have been sporadic. Grade: 4
  3. To celebrate people's birthdays via my blog - I have considered this resolution a success. Done. Over. Completed. Grade: 10
  4. To scan all my photos and organize them on the computer - Not sure why I said ALL my photos, but I have done well with this resolution. Check. Grade: 10
  5. To work on myself mentally - Yes, I think that having the cyst-that-wouldn't-heal helped me to get into this resolution. I'm going to call this one completed too. Grade: 10

Total Score: 40 out of 50 - Still have two months more to go, so maybe, just maybe...

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