Sunday, November 13, 2016

2016-2017 NFL picks - week #10

Baltimore over Cleveland - Now that the Ravens have finally won they will continue working hard to take the lead in the division.

Green Bay over Tennessee - I went with the experienced.

New Orleans over Denver - This was a toss up. I went with a feeling...which may have had to do more with my two Bronco WR fantasy players who have done nothing to help me in the last three weeks.

Jets over Los Angeles - I didn't even remember that the Rams were still playing football.

Atlanta over Philadelphia - The Falcons are fun to watch, and I still believe in them. Matt Ryan is a beast who doesn't get enough praise so I'm going to heap it on him.

Tampa Bay over Chicago - I haven't seen the Bears play, but the Bucs get Doug Martin back (as do I in fantasy!) today so I'm hoping for some great yardage.

Washington over Minnesota - Another toss up, but I never win with the Vikings whether I pick them or not. Too many injuries and unfortunate circumstances for that team, while the Redskins have found a better groove than the one they started out with.

Carolina over Kansas City - I went with Cam Newton at home. No other reason.

Houston over Jacksonville - One of those games that only the fans care about. Maybe the Jags can pull this off today, but I went safe. Or did I?

San Diego over Miami - Yep, still not going with those Dolphins. Not against Phillip Rivers in his stadium.

Arizona over San Francisco - Like the other California team, I keep forgetting they are still in the league.

Pittsburgh over Dallas - Big Ben made a statement this week shouldering the blame, shouldering his leadership, and shouting out to his guys to follow. I believe.

Seattle over New England - Whoa. What?

Giants over Cincinnati - This might actually be an interesting game for MNF for a change.

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