Sunday, November 27, 2016

2016-2017 NFL picks - week #12

Thanksgiving Day was a win win for me all the way around!

Detroit over Minnesota - The Lions always play on Thanksgiving Day so they're the pros.

Dallas over Washington - The Cowboys can certainly be beat, but I don't think the Redskins are the ones that will do it.

Pittsburgh over Indianapolis - No Andrew Luck. The Steelers play well on national TV in the evening. I'm not worried.

Atlanta over Arizona - I keep hoping that the Falcons will be the team I thought they would be at the beginning of the year.

Buffalo over Jacksonville - The Bills have lost their running backs, but then again they do have the veteran coach.

Tennessee over Chicago - I'm going with Marcus Mariota over Jay Cutler.

Giants over Cleveland - At this point it's just a matter of time before some team goes down as losing to the losers, but I don't think it will be the Giants.

Miami over San Francisco - Yep, going with the Dolphins again because, well, it is the 49er's.

New Orleans over Los Angeles - The Saints at home on a holiday weekend? Against the Rams? Who went with the other pick?

Baltimore over Cincinnati - The Bengals lost two, and I mean TWO, huge players last week in A.J. Green and Giovani Bernard so yeah unless they band together to win one for the injured...

San Diego over Houston - I feel like Phillip Rivers is a lot like Chicago's Jay Cutler. He wants to win, I think, but then again he SQUIRREL. But this week seems like one he might just pull off.

Seattle over Tampa Bay - The Seahawks defense against the Bucs at home seems too easy of a choice to make.

New England over Jets - They won't lose this week.

Denver over Kansas City - I think Peyton Manning's visit this week to practice will rah, rah, rah these guys back to a win.

Philadelphia over Green Bay - The Packers are in trouble, and I just didn't feel this away game would solve the issues.

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