Saturday, December 31, 2016

Good-bye 2016

New Year's Eve. Last day of resolutions before tomorrow's new set, which I have already put on paper. While I didn't jump on any of these the last two months, I'm looking at these this time as a whole year project.
  1. To get into a routine with my physical therapy exercises and to have massages - I started out well with the physical therapy exercises, but didn't end so well. I never had a massage, and most of that was due to the cyst-that-wouldn't-die (July - November). But the rest of the months before and after the cyst I didn't do it either. So I'll give me a Grade: 6
  2. To be serious about getting healthy; lose weight, exercise regularly, swim - Yeah, let's be honest. I didn't do this. I did exercise, but not enough to say that this was completed.  Grade: 3
  3. To celebrate people's birthdays via my blog - YEP. Done. Grade: 10
  4. To scan all my photos and organize them on the computer - My mistake was saying "all" because, while I did a huge amount of scanning of pictures, I still have like three boxes left. So even though I said this was complete, in all honesty I can't say it was. But...I did well with it. Grade: 8
  5. To work on myself mentally - Yes, I did this. I worked hard on this one, and while bad news on Christmas day had me reverting back to old ways and caused me some challenges in these last few days, I'm calling this one a success. Grade: 10
Total Score: 37 out of 50 - More than half way completed so I'll look at that as a plus, but maybe I can do better with my next year's resolutions. I'm always determined....

Maybe because I did so well with #5, but I'm not one of those glad to see the end of the year. It wasn't perfect, by all means. I worry for the future more than I ever have, especially for my daughters, but I'm also more determined now than ever to not stand by and worry. This year I'll fight for my future, and for my daughters, and for all of those who are going to need us standing beside them.

I will also be starting a new life come August of this new year as both daughters will be off to college. I plan to stay positive, and to try and do new things. I'm going to meet new people, and I'm going to move more.

Here's to a happy and healthy new year to all of my faithful readers! Thanks for peeking into my crazy, wonderful, babbling life. May 2017 be a great one to all.

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