Thursday, December 08, 2016

Overheard and/or discussed

In Target:
Older man to his older wife, toy in hand, whispering: "We can see if it is cheaper at Walmart."

At a table nearby in a restaurant during lunch:
Woman having lunch with a mom and her younger son: "Oops, sorry about that sexual reference. You don't know stuff about that."
Kid: "Actually I do."
Woman: "What? Oh my, I guess it has been longer than I thought. You've grown up. Wait. Wait, just a minute. I think we need to discuss this situation, and why you know all of this stuff. Let's get to talking."

On the radio:
Weather announcer: "Unfortunately, it won't be getting any warmer today. Highs will only reach 80."

At the tollbooth:
Me: "How do you pronounce your name?"
Her: "It is actually very easy. New-pie."
Me: "That is so cool. What does it mean? I'm a writer, and I'm always looking for new, cool names."
Her: "Oh, well, then you're going to be disappointed." Cups her hand around her mouth, leaning forward into my car. "It means bamboo wrap."

From the dishwasher repair guy:
Him: "And you are good to go."
Me: "Okay, then let's just put some of this finish rinse in here to check it....uh, it is still running out of the back."
Him: "Oh, is that the issue?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "Okay then, let me check this."
Me: "So, what did you fix then if it wasn't this?"
Him: "Nothing. I just said I fixed something."

In Walmart:
Shopper: "Excuse me, ma'am, we are looking for a kid's toy, for a smaller kid, to build things. They are quite larger than regular ones."
Employee: "The mega-blocks."
Shopper: "Yes, that is it. Where would we find those?"
Employee: "Find what?"

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