Tuesday, January 03, 2017

New Year's Resolutions for 2017

My side of the family has made resolutions every year, and I have every resolutions from 1990 on file. They are fun to go back through, and we get a lot of laughs when we do. This year we weren't together so all resolutions had to be emailed to me, and I'm just saying now that MANY people did not do this yet; Rusty, Austin, Madison, Maya, Marilyn, Anya, Ewan, Kelly. I'm not naming names, of course. Here then are my 2017 resolutions.

  1. To cut down on my use of the word “fuck” - I realize that sometimes that word is helpful in my vocabulary, but that I use it much too often. Instead of never using that word, which would be ridiculous because it is necessary at times, I shall cut back on the usage. My trouble will be when around my friend SueG whose favorite word is, and always will be, "you know what".
  2. To be better in touch with family, especially those who live locally. - I enjoyed my husband's family this Christmas, all the nieces and nephews and inlaws. As everyone gets older the drifting away will start, and so I want to stay in better touch (and yes, that includes birthday crap) with everyone. I do well with my SIL on my side of the family, but everyone else is just so/so. My SIL who lives here in Florida is good at staying in touch, but really we live thirty minutes away and see them only on holidays and birthdays. I can do better.
  3. To lose weight…any amount. - My mother died, I went immediately into menopause, and gained thirty pounds. I can blame those two things over and over, but now is the time to do something to change it. I don't even care at this point and time how much I lose, I just want to lose something, and exercise.
  4. To work on renting/selling The Condo and the Wyndham - The Condo just sits there. We need to make decisions, and renting it out seems like the best one. As for the Wyndham, we either need to sell points or get into the program that lets us opt out. Either way, I need to work on this because I can see that my brother, my co-owner and pain-in-the-ass comrade, is never going to do a thing about either one.
  5. To write a romance novel. - I've decided after reading my past starts of romance novels that I really enjoyed those books as a youngster. I've been writing them in my head for years. This is the year I shall start putting them down on paper, or computer. I've started reading them as Harlequin insists we do if we want to write for them to make sure we submit to the correct genre. It has been entertaining to say the least, and frankly, I think I can do this. Maybe I'll even make some $$.
  6. To work hard at not discussing other people’s lives. - I only talk about other people when I seek out answers because I'm always thinking people need my help. That comes from my mother, and I use to get on her about that all the time. "You don't need to solve this problem, just listen." So now that I realize I do the same thing, (perhaps taking over for her?), I'm going to stop doing it. I'll work hard at listening, help solve when asked, and keep the issues to myself.


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I hope your romance novel has the "you know what " word in it.

  2. I'm grateful you have kept this tradition in our family! Thank you! Has everyone given you their's now? If so, will you be posting them? :)

  3. 1. I, too, need to adopt this resolution. I use this word mainly at work. Stupidity prompts it. Sometimes, I am surrounded by stupidity more than others, but that is how you can predict the useage of that word in my vocabulary. I know it is horrible, and I need to shoot for this as a resolution as well!
    2. The locals? Really? Really? They are the ones with space on the blog! Um, ok. Seriously, though, I miss you and we need another summer vacation planning or a girls trip. Either way, I'm due for some time with you very soon! I like this arrangement where I get to see you at least once a year in person!
    3. I've been working on this too. I am finally back to the weight that I was before I had Nolan. Which is both a miracle, and a sad story at the same time because I still need to get about 30 more pounds off. It's easier said than done. Eating is fun. Working out is time consuming and uncomfortable. Downright painful sometimes. I'm going to do my best to at least maintain this weight if I don't lose more (which is the ultimate goal!).
    4. Please, please do not sell the Wyndham. If you do, I may never be able to afford to vacation again with the 500 children that I am raising. Also, I'm already thinking about summer trips (refer to number 2).
    5. I will read anything you write. Your writings bring me great joy. I'm so happy everytime I read funny stories on your blog. It has been so inspiring for me, that I am using it as my new years resolution to write one too. I have several kids though, rarely sleep, work a ton of hours and still need to finish grad school. Maybe next year! Hahaha. Still, you write the book, I will buy it and read it!
    6. The world does need your help. You have many wise, wise answers. I'm sure because you were raised by some awesome people and have surrounded yourself by souls just as wise. Don't ever quit offering your advice. It is good, sound stuff and the world needs more of that!

    I think we should start doing resolutions. Our family doesn't do them. I would probably be the only one wanting to change anything. I live with someone who thinks he is near perfect. :)
