Sunday, January 08, 2017

Steelers Nation Unite - Updated

Two years ago I wrote about Steelers Nation Unite here. The program has been tweeked some since that post. Instead of badges we now earn yardage and each 150 yard gets you to a tier, with the highest tier being the Hall of Fame. To earn the yards you can do several things like buy merchandise, read stories at, submit traditions, check in at Heinz Field, etc. The main ways I earned my yards was punching in Keywords after listening to the games each week on the Steelers football radio network, and watching the players during their weekly live Huddle chats.

I enjoy the program. It was created to give back to the fans, and I am on their website at least once a day to see what is happening. I use to receive live phone calls where the players would answer questions from the fans. SNU would call the day before to tell me what time the live call would come through, and we could ask questions if we wanted by punching in a number on the phone. Most of the time the calls came in the late afternoon so I could take them while driving to pick up kids or what not. Once the call came in the evening. I was at a school function working. The room was packed with people, and my cohort and I were in the very back of the room with the IB coordinator talking at the front of the room. When the call came in to my phone I saw that it was SNU and remembered that it was going to be a live chat with Ben Roethlisberger. I told my cohort that I had to take the call. I had my finger in one ear and the phone to the other ear when the coordinator signaled to me to ask if I wanted to stand up and say anything. The math teacher, who actually was a Steelers fan, was near me, and so he came over, tapped me on the shoulder, and started talking to tell me the coordinator needed me. I put my hand up to stop him, and said, "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you right now. I'm on the phone with Ben Roethlisberger." It is now the story all of the teachers tell when my name comes up. I probably should submit that story to SNU.

I like listening to the radio broadcast of the games even when I'm watching the game on television. I usually mute the TV and listen to the broadcast, but when I'm at my buddy Scott's house I can't do that. It makes him insane. He thinks the whole social media thing is nonsense. He's like an old man when it comes to the world of "tweeting and Facebook and pictures". I made him sign up for SNU, but he hasn't ever done anything with it, including not checking in when he was at a home game in Pittsburgh last year. Fans who do that at Heniz Field have been given free stuff, brought down on the field to meet players, and have been given a chance to participate in the Terrible Towel wave on the field before the game. Instead I signed up our other Steelers TV watching buddy, Vince, and he and I make sure we both have the keywords to advance.

I am finally at the highest level, Hall of Fame. Each level scores you more chances for great deals like free shipping and a percent off of merchandise. After beating the Ravens and getting into the playoffs, SNU started a week of prize giveaways for members in a certain tier, and they also had us sign up for some sweepstakes chances. One of the weekly prizes was a trip to the playoffs. I told everyone I was going to win it. I had thought I would win the tickets for Christmas Day, and that possibility had bothered me since I would have had to fly to Pittsburgh and miss the family Christmas. But I was sure I would win tickets. I FELT it. When I didn't win the ones for Christmas Day, then I was sure I was going to win the playoff tickets.

On Tuesday, my phone rang and the number read, "Pittsburgh, PA". Immediately, my heart started pounding and my hands started shaking. It was one of the SNU team members calling to tell me that I had won the AFC North Division Championship Gear Package. I can honestly say that I had no idea what she said other than that I had won a package. I envisioned tickets, but then she told me I had won a banner, some gloves, some t'shirts, a hat, etc. While it wasn't the tickets it was something. I was pumped! I KNEW I was going to win something. Apparently, it was a sweepstakes that I had entered a couple of days before on the SNU website.

The package came on Friday in time for #HereWeGo Day. I immediately put on my shirt and shared a photo despite my disheveled just got off of work look.

Thanks Steelers Nation Unite for the cool gear! You guys are awesome for all of us fans! Can't thank you enough for all that you do. If anyone wants to sign up click here and I get the yards!

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