Thursday, January 26, 2017

Update on the GlowBowl

This summer I discovered Amazon's daily deals. I think I read a blip about it on some website, and so I checked my Amazon app and browsed through the deals. There was something on there at the time called a GlowBowl, a night light for the toilet. I remember Madison was with me at the time, and she rolled her eyes when I said I so wanted that light. Because of that eye rolling I put it on my wish list.

When I scrolled down through the reviews and questions, the first question asked was, "Will this lead to spontaneous bathroom parties?" Answers to that question included:

  • "Absolutely, and it's a possible portal to another universe"
  • "Yes, but they only last until someone decides to be a potty pooper"
  • "Not quite, but it will for some odd reason attract the attention of lost pets in your area. I woke up in the morning with a meerkat and two alligators"
  • "Technically, it's the lesser known portal to Narnia. Wait for the green aura, click your heels three times and step in"
How could I not want this device? I mean....

I do not, and never have, turned on lights at night when I'm in the bathroom. As a kid we had a nightlight in the bathroom, and I carried that tradition with me as an adult. I put a nightlight in my kid's bathroom, and while there is one in my own bathroom I turn it off at night. It shines right into my eyes as my side of the bed is next to the bathroom entrance. I shower with my nightlight on, but never turn it on when I get up in the middle of the night. I find turning on the overhead light in the middle of the night shockingly scary. Who needs all of the brightness? I don't want my pupils going from darkness to white light and then back to darkness. That can't be good for your eyes, can it?

My SIL sent it to me for my birthday at the end of last year. While there are now several on the market, the GlowBowl offers seven different colors; white, purple, green, red, blue, yellow, aqua. You can have one color on or you can set it to revolve through all of the colors. Here are some of the things I like and dislike about the product:

  • Like: I like that I can dim the brightness of each color; there are three different settings for that. The high setting was too bright for me in the middle of the night in certain colors. The purple and red lights are the most muted while the blue and green are the brightest.
  • Dislike: There is no "off" switch. So if you have a dark bathroom then the light comes on with the motion is activated. Luckily, the one window in my bathroom is right next to the toilet so in the morning I open the shade and the light doesn't come on.
  • Like: The battery compartment is quite air tight and waterproof. I know this because in cleaning my toilet one day the device fell in. The batteries did not get wet. 
  • Dislike: My first light quit working after four weeks. At first the red light went white and then one by one the other lights went out until I was only left with green or blue. By then I had purchased several more as gifts, one of which was for our Yankee exchange. I paired the GlowBowl with some Poopouri (another great invention) and then because no one seemed very eager about the gift I swapped the gift I had chosen and got my GlowBowl back. This one has worked well since then. 
  • Like: The light is motion activated and lasts about ten seconds or so before turning off. Unless you are in what I call the rainbow mode where all of the colors rotate through the cycle. That one lasts too long for me in the night.
  • So/So: Cleaning the device isn't awful, but still the thought is a little off putting. I use my Clorox wipes to hold the device and to clean the wand part that goes into the toilet.

I have another one to give away to my friend Sharon's boys the next time I see them. I'm sure they will get a kick out of it. I mean...what's not to like? And now the price has dropped by $4.00 since I made my purchases, and while that makes me a tad suspicious, I feel I've gotten my money's worth in entertainment value.

Me (nightly): "ATTENTION: Tonight's toilet bowl color will be BLUE!"

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