Monday, February 06, 2017

Monday 2017 Super Bowl recap

I didn't watch much of the pre-game hype because all I heard when I tuned in was New England this and New England that. By halftime I was feeling good, but not great. Everywhere people were giving the game to the Falcons. Not me. Football is a four quarter game.


  • Musically, the salute to our country was the best I've seen in years. The three women from Hamilton who ad-libbed in "sisterhood" on America the Beautiful, and Luke Bryan's acapella rendition of our national anthem were both lit!
  • Who else thinks Atlanta's Taylor Gabriel thanks the football gods every night for his release from the Cleveland Browns?
  • Atlanta's defense was spot on in the first half. Their offense wasn't far behind.
  • Dislike the two "horsing around" touchdowns from the Falcons; flip and strut. Please. Run into the end zone and do the job.
  • Lady Gaga halftime show: OMG. Best. Show. Ever.
  • Loved everyone going on and on about how they couldn't believe how this game was going and poor New England, blah, blah, blah. What did I tweet? Exactly what I said above. Football is four quarters long and not over until the end.
  • How about the shot in the fourth quarter of Patriots Offensive Coordinator Josh McDaniels shaking his head at the Brady sack. Fox replayed it in slow motion as they were looking to fade to a commercial, and right before that happened McDaniels leans over and fires up a big spitball to spew on the ground. 
  • All good until it wasn't. It's always better to be cold in the beginning and hot in the end. 
  • Gotta give it the Patriots for their comeback. It was awesome. The Falcons self destructed, and New England took advantage.
  • As usual, offensive play calls came into question and were certainly part of the Falcons troubles. They couldn't get the running game going again like they had in the first half so Kyle Shanahan called pass plays that went nowhere.
  • The big play was Julian Edelman's catch in the middle of the field. Why defensive players don't understand that popping the ball UP instead of OUT and AWAY is bad, bad, bad is beyond me. Knock that ball down to the ground and the game would have been different.
  • Gotta love that Tom Brady's parents, his mother sick and still attending the game, were there to watch that comeback. A nice family moment. It actually warmed a small section of my heart. The man has won five Super Bowls. Much as I can't stand him I admire his play. Got to if you love sports. Same for Bellichick. They showed why the two of them are the best in the game right now.
  • On the other end of it, how miserable do the Falcons have to be? This one will hurt and hang in the heart for months. Nice interview though by Dan Quinn with Erin Andrews. He held it together and was gracious.
  • Best happening of the night: Howie Long's emotion at the end as his son is a Patriot.
  • Those that rocked - Airbnb, Coca- Cola, Budweiser, Audi, 84 Lumber News (who had to finish their commercial online as Fox wouldn't show the entire ad).
  • Those that were funny - Sprint, Turbo tax, Tide, Synovus, Hawaiian Rolls
  • Those that were decent- Honda, Tide, Sprint
  • Those that were creepy - Uh, T-Mobile.

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