Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Question/Answer session from yesterday

First, before I start the rest of my showering story (and because I was under the weather today) I had an email from a friend of mine who reads my blog...shout out to Kim, thanks so much for reading! She and her husband are wrong morning shower people, and her husband had a few questions. He also wanted a more recent picture of me bathing. Hello, buddy, this is a family blog for heaven's sake! And trust me, no one wants to see that. Those fat rolls on my baby body are way better than the ones on me now!

(Although I'm not going to lie. I contemplated putting my face on a sexy woman showering, but then I remembered what I said earlier, family blog. Well, except for the naughty language. Darcy: "Oh, please, mom, I'm in high school.")

Question # 1 - Do I put on clean underwear in the morning?
Answer - I certainly hope this is a question of whether or not I wear underwear to bed because who in their right mind would put back on the underwear they wore the day before? (I also don't wear any of the clothes I wore the night before,) First, I wear underwear to bed. Secondly, yes I put on a fresh pair in the morning. Lastly, while I'm not sure what that has to do with showering in the morning, I do realize that the underwear thing is another OCD issue for me because I would not be able to get through the day if I had to wear the underwear I wore to bed. Hmmm... Plus, I can re-wear my pajamas for several days because I went to bed clean.

Question #2 - What about when I sweat at night?
Answer - This is a good question and one I almost put in the last entry. I'm a menopausal woman so of course, the hot flashes lead to sweating in the night. I also live in Florida with Jack Sprat as my husband, and while he tolerates the overhead fan and the one by my bedside, he refuses to allow me to lower the a/c to 60 degrees. When, and it isn't every night, I sweat I do rinse off in the shower in the morning. Meaning, I jump into it and swipe my body thoroughly with soap to take off the stink. There are also a few other times I shower in the morning. I did mention yesterday that I sometimes shower in the morning, and while I'm happy to discuss this here because nothing truly embarrasses me, some of my family members readers would be horrified . No matter. Even if I do shower in the morning, I always have also showered the night before too.

Question #3 - Don't you want to shower after drooling on your pillow? 
Answer - What? Who says I drool? My suggestion to those who plan to get smart and start showering at night and drool is to do what I mentioned in the last entry; wash your face. Washing your face, with or without a wash cloth each morning, will wipe that drool right off of your face. But, and this is important, then you must change your pillow case.

Now, I have a friend who is a worse body clean freak than I am. She showers in the night and showers in the morning. She finds it disgusting that I don't do the same, and she too brings up questions. Most of her questions have to do with the topics I didn't mention in #2, but she also has this one:

Question #4 - What about cleaning off the dead skin that scuffs off in the night?
Answer - At this point, after listening to my friend's other issues regarding showering a million times, I just start laughing at this question. I turn it back to the reason why I shower at night. We shed 40,000 skin cells a day (according to the Internet) so I shower that all off prior to sleeping. I should probably be more concerned about washing my sheets each week, the recommended minimum, due to all the cells, mites, and lotion deposits that I'm leaving behind. But then again, she does this herself, and is horrified at my every other week washing. I'm never going to win this topic with her because she showers both morning and night. Who can argue with that?

I researched some more articles on showering morning vs. showering at night, but came up with nothing that I hadn't already covered. Mostly, it's a personal issue. It's just that night shower people are better. That's all.

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