Saturday, March 04, 2017

Out of the mouths of my babes

Darcy: "Mom, how should I fill out this dorm list?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Darcy: "I have to rank the four choices in order of preference."

Me: "Okay, then do that."

Darcy: "But what do I put for the single rooms?"

Me: "What do you mean, what do you put?"

Darcy: "What do I put?"

Me: "Darcy, I'm in the shower. I haven't a clue what you are asking me. What are the four choices?"

Darcy: "Suite style double, traditional style double, suite style single, and traditional style single."

Me: "So, then rank those in order. Which one do you want first?"

Darcy: "Well, a single room is more expensive."

Me: "Do you want a roommate or do you want to live alone?"

Darcy: "I want a roommate."

Me: "Then I don't see the problem. What are you asking me? Rank the two doubles as one and two and the singles as 3 and 4."

Darcy: "Should I put Not Aplickable for the singles instead?"

Me: "What?"

Darcy: "That's a choice. I can say Not Aplickable."

Me: "You mean Not Applicable?"

Darcy: "Whatever. I like Aplickable better."

Me: "It's not a word."

Darcy: "Yes, it is."

Me: "No, it is not a word, but it is so cute. It makes me think of you as a little girl. Ah, I'm going to blog this."

Darcy: "Of course, you are."

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