Monday, March 06, 2017

Two month 2017 resolution check

I grade from 1-10. I have yet to reach 100% in keeping my resolutions. I should give myself a reward if I ever reach it. The thing about resolutions in the first two months is how they sort of need to be "tweaked" so I'm added some of that to this post too.

  1. To cut down on my use of the word “fuck” - (The "tweaking" of this resolution is that I get to use the word when I'm alone. Yes, I do. Because it makes me feel better, and I have hbp and a racing heart, so fuck it I'm going to use the word when I am alone, talking to myself or the dog.) The month of January I was headed toward a ten, and I was feeling great about that. Then February came, and well, the word reappeared. That's when I also added my "tweak". Grade: 5 for the half and half of the two months.
  2. To be better in touch with family, especially those who live locally. - No "tweaking" needed on this one. I have done well here, I think. Locally, my sister-in-law and I have had lunches every other week so bam! We have had my mother-in-law over for dinner, and when she is in town, I try to call her when I'm thinking of her. Bam! As for family not in Florida, I have kept in touch daily via SnapChat. We send snaps throughout the day keeping tabs on one another with pictures and words. That's huge, and easy too. My sister-in-law and I Facetime for hours. I need to work harder with my brother, and Tom's side of the family so I'll not give me a ten here yet. Grade: 8
  3. To lose weight…any amount. - When I made this one I truly wanted to get back down to a weight that I once was, like eight months ago. A weight, that then, was overweight, but which now seems skinny. But I also made it more realistic so I suppose any "tweaking" would be losing weight, any amount after each resolution check. So, these past two months I have lost weight! Yay! Of course, I gained weight too, but what the hell, I've lost. That's a ten in my book. Now I lose from here. Grade: 10
  4. To Rent/Sell The Condo and the Wyndham: Ugh. I haven't done well with this one. While I rented some points to family, I gave them what it costs us so I didn't bank any extra cash. I'm terrible at setting prices. As for the condo, I've only done a couple of things: I talked to my brother who agreed we needed to rent it. I talked to my sister-in-law about coming over to look at it and tell me what needs to be done to rent it. I've looked up information about becoming a property renter. Hmmm, I suppose that is at least something. Grade: 4
  5. To write a romance novel. - (The "tweaking" is that I'm working on the novel, with a goal of a completed novel by the end of the year). Yes! I'm obsessed with writing this thing. I've got three chapters completed, and I still reread and rewrite those chapters. I've also started writing out of order so I've got more chapters written. Romance writing is nothing that will impress anyone I know, but the genre is huge for those who enjoy it. I've always enjoyed it, and I've always had good stories in my head to tell. I'm doing this only for myself. I've never finished anything I've written. I realized that when I found all of my writing in going through my keepsake boxes. I've started hundreds of stories, but never finished them. Now, by golly, I'm determined to finish a book for the first time ever. For myself, and no one else. Grade: 10
  6. To work hard at not discussing other people’s lives. - Blah, blah, blah. What does this even mean? I sort of thought I knew, but truly, you can't not talk about other people and their lives. If you can, you're lying. We all gossip. I don't mean to do it to be cruel. I really want to help others. I really believe I'm a counselor with all of the answers. If people would just do what I tell them, their lives would be perfect. Hell, I'm better with other people's lives than my own. I need a me to help me manage my life! I talk about other people's lives with friends and family because I want help in helping others. I have cut down on mindless gossiping, but I've decided this resolution is too vague to keep. I'm throwing it out and replacing it. GONE, GONE, GONE.
  7. NEW #6 - To find my next chapter, by trying new things, and by learning to deal with whatever is going on in my head. - How about that for vague? Look, my life is changing come August. Both kids will be living elsewhere, and I have got to move on. What will I do? That's what I have to decide and to do that I'll have to step outside my SAHM box and explore new possibilities. I feel doing just that will also force me to figure out why I feel the way I do at this junction in my life. No grade here since this is new. Ready, set, start this resolution.
Total: 38 out of 50 - Not so shabby, eh? Better than half. I'll take it. How is everyone else doing?

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