Friday, May 05, 2017

Four month resolution check 2017

I grade from 1-10. I have yet to reach 100% in keeping my resolutions. Didn't happen these two months for sure. Ugh.

  1. To cut down on my use of the word “fuck” - Here is the thing. I used this word yesterday while talking to myself which is how I remembered that it was time to check in on my resolutions so...this one is SO not happening. Grade:  3
  2. To be better in touch with family, especially those who live locally. - SnapChat is saving my butt on this one. Plus, a death in the family had me reaching out to family by phone where I spent a lot of time catching up with relatives I rarely see. Locally, I spent Easter with family, visited with my SIL who was in town, had dinner with my MIL. I'm hanging on with this one, I think. Grade: 8
  3. To lose weight…any amount. - Had my follow up appointment with my doctor regarding my new bp medication and it was all good. Best one I've had regarding blood work. Plus I had lost weight in the two month period between appointments. That counts! Unfortunately, I'm not doing a very good job of truly losing all the weight I've stacked on since my mother's death. But, baby steps, right? My doctor discussed this with me and gave me a plan. Now if I can just do it. Grade: 10
  4. To Rent/Sell The Condo and the Wyndham: I'll give myself some points because my husband and I spent an afternoon discussing and crunching numbers on The Condo, but other than that, I haven't done a damn thing. Grade: 4
  5. To write a romance novel. - Whoa, harder than I ever imagined. In my head, this story is awesome, but getting it down on paper? Yikes. I have joined a writing organization. I am signed up for the Romance Writer's Conference in July. I am studying the best way to go about doing this job. I am writing. Grade: 10
  6. To find my next chapter, by trying new things, and by learning to deal with whatever is going on in my head. - Okay, so I forgot about this resolution since I just invented it the last check in, but I've got to say that I've done well with it despite my forgetfulness. Tom and I are both relaxing over the thought of our children being kaput come August. Maybe the fact that the youngest will only be an hour away helps, but we are slowly discussing and making a few changes here and there. Here's to new beginnings! Grade: 10
Total: 45 out of 60 - When I first sat down to write this, I was sure I had done worse than last check in, but HEY, I've exceeded even my own expectations. Three perfect 10's! Best thing I ever did was generalize these resolutions.

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