Monday, May 22, 2017

The cure to my sleep deprivation

As I wrote my entry on Sunday regarding my week from hell and my lack of sleep, I got on to Yahoo and the lead story, I kid you not, was titled, The Weird Side Effect of Not Getting Enough Sleep. People, the Internet watches you and knows. I'm just saying. Of course, I clicked on it. I mean, this was knowledge I needed because I was NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP.

The article was all about a study some scientist-geeky-nerds had done and published regarding what can happen with lack of sleep. They took several people made them stay up with relatives who were visiting and then took their pictures. They also had people who got plenty of sleep and took their pictures after a well rested night. These pictures were then laid down like mug shots for others to study with the question that went something along the lines of "which of these people would you want to have over to your house for food, fun, and games?" Naturally, those people who hadn't slept in a few days and who looked like this:

were not chosen. At all. I mean, these were people who were in mug shot books all around the country, right? Who wants to socialize with those people? Then the article went on to quote a university psychologist who had nothing to do with the study because why not ask complete a stranger who has nothing better to do than give her opinion who said, lack of sleep obviously causes all sorts of physiological issues including impaired immune functions, cardiovascular horror health issues, and it screws up your metabolism which is why people like cmkerwin who don't get enough sleep are viewed as less healthy. Then because that wasn't nasty enough the article writer found another expert in a totally different field that had nothing to do with medicine who said she could understand why our germaphobe society didn't want to socialize with sleep deprived individuals because they were obviously, "less healthy". Then she must have felt bad about that, tried to backpedal with some such nonsense about how it could also be that tired people were too tired to socialize, but by then I felt the damage had already been done. 

The cure? Turn off your phone or computer an hour before bed, use your bedroom only for sleeping, and have a regular sleeping schedule. Thank god, I read all of that because I obviously need to make those adjustments. And I will. Starting next week.

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