Tuesday, July 18, 2017

NYC 2017 - The plan

At the end of last year Darcy, my musical theater loving daughter, after reading an article about up and coming musicals on Broadway discovered Dear Evan Hansen. She downloaded the music the day it came out and we have been subjected to it LOUDLY any and every time we get into her car. She kept asking if I would take her to New York for her birthday,and when my SIL did that very thing for her daughter the begging grew even stronger and louder. Finally, she went over all of our heads and texted her musical director/lover Grandma Mary Anne.

Me: "This started last year, right? You begging to go to New York?"
Darcy: "I started talking to Grandma about it in December after she found out Aunt Beth and Aunt Nancy saw Hamilton without her. She approved the trip in January."
Tom: "I love how you think Grandma "approved this trip".
Darcy: "Well, the trip was suppose to be me and Grandma....I'm just saying....."

Grandma jumped at it. I thought she was going to take Darcy and Tom, but Tom brought Madison and me into the mix and suddenly it was our Ireland group back together again to take New York City. Darcy found inexpensive plane tickets and really, really inexpensive tickets to Dear Evan Hansen, but she made the mistake of turning all of that over to her father. He does not do many things spur of the moment, did not book immediately, and so when he finally got around to doing what Darcy told him months prior, well, let's just say that those tickets weren't the same price. Thank god he finally did get them because Dear Evan Hansen won the Tony Award! Now tickets aren't even available for under $450.

I'm not a big NYC fan. I'm a Midwestern girl and prefer the scenery to the city. My last trip to NYC in 2013 with a school trip was fabulous in that I saw everything with a true New Yorker. The weather that year was miserable, cold and rainy, but he made sure we saw everything of importance tourist-wise and locally, except for the Statue of Liberty, which I believe was under construction then. I don't think that anything can surpass seeing the city with friends who have lived there. I felt I really saw it all. We did not, however, see Broadway shows, and since this was the PURPOSE OF THIS TRIP (which Darcy told us numerous times) I hopped on board.

The first blip in our trip happened days before we left. Grandma, having only been home from an overseas trip one week, fell sick. Down for the count. Having spent one day with her planning and laughing at the fun we had in our last travels, we were beyond bummed about this. Darcy moped about the house muttering how this trip was suppose to be hers with Grandma, and it took us a few days to snap out of the funk. She kept texting us encouraging words to send us off, and before we boarded our plane we tapped our airline Starbucks coffees together and toasted her.

All: "To Grandma! We will take NYC for Grandma!"

The family was off to take New York City and Broadway.

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