Monday, August 14, 2017

Yep, I did say this...aloud

I am not a horse person. I think my dislike of horses started in the fields of my aunt's farm in Indiana when I was forced to get on the back of a horse. I didn't want to. My parents made me. I was terrified. Nothing has changed since then.

I ride horses. I have been coerced into climbing onto the back of these large animals and riding on trails a few times in my life. The last one was written about Here and it was when I decided I was done riding horses to make other people happy. A month after that experience my dislike of horses went up a million notches after this episode Here, which I can tell you still haunts me at times during the day when I least expect it.

The only thing I like about horses is the movie Spirit. That movie makes me happy, but that's truly it. Horses are not my thing.

Yesterday, I was in a Wells Fargo bank looking into account information, and during our listening to the many choices I had in opening accounts, the employee told me that I could design my own debit or credit card if I wanted. She also showed me the different types of printed checks I could get.

Her: "We have this print here. Or if you want plain, we have several colors. Or we have these horses here."

Me: "Yeah. I don't like horses. I hate horses. Don't you have dogs or some other animal?"

Darcy: "Uh, Mom, horses are the symbol for Wells Fargo."

Her: "It is sort of our icon."

Oops. Every teller and loan officer in the bank was staring at me. Apparently, I spoke that truth with some venom. Loudly.

I told her I'd go with a print.

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