Sunday, September 03, 2017

Application recommendation - House Party

My father was a salesman who traveled during the week. He was gone two to three nights a week visiting farmers and selling various agriculture products. His office was out of our house, we were his secretaries, and so he would call home to check in with us and to get any messages. This was way before the Internet and way before cell phones, yet my father obviously saw the future.

Dad: "Well hi there."
Me: "Hi, Dad!"
Dad: "You're looking good."
Me: "You can't see me, Dad on the phone. You don't know how I'm looking."
Dad: "Of course, I can see you. I'm looking right at you."
Me: "If you can see me, then what am I wearing?"
Dad: "You're wearing clothes."

It became our shtick. Every time I use Facetime on my Iphone I think of my Dad. He would have loved this age of social media and Facetime, for sure, would have been his jam. If only it worked in the great beyond...

I truly don't use the phone unless Facetime is involved. Unfortunately, there are people out there in the world that have not embraced Apple, and therefore are unable to use the application. What? I know. These people...

Facetime is awesome because I can see my kids at college. I can see their faces and check to see if they are getting enough sleep, sun, and food. I can assess all sorts of things just by seeing them and watching them as they talk. Recently, while Facetiming with Madison, Darcy tried to Facetime me. I had to decline her as I was already on with Madison and so Darcy tried Madison who also declined her. Then she texted us and told us she needed our opinion. Maddy three way called her, but I complained that I couldn't see them and Darcy introduced us to an application where we could all Facetime.

The app is House Party and it is the one with the red solo cup; cue Toby Keith. This app allows your friends to gather in the "house" to party down, and since Darcy has introduced us to it we have passed on the information and partied down together.

Darcy: "Mom, all sorts of people are on this now. I show you one thing, and you tell everyone!"
Me: "Honey, it's my job to educate."

I recently made my cousin download it so that she and my SIL and I could party in the house and discuss my upcoming Indiana trip. Instead of calling each one separately and discussing planes and schedules and who was putting me up when, we could do it all at once. Tom and I can see both girls at one time and the whole family can chat. The other fun thing is that if you don't lock your party house other friends can pop in. I once popped in with Madison and one of Darcy's friends off to college in NY. I made her show me her dorm room, got the scoop on her first few days, and popped back out again. I love it!

So I'm passing it on to my readers, especially those with multiple children spread out around the globe. Or those with family members in different cities. Or those with secret spouses. Gather in the house and party down. Or pop in on me. I'm just as chatting there as I am on this blog!

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