Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Countdown to IN

In August, while preparing for my soon empty nest, I wrote here about wanting to travel. I made a list and then, by golly, after a comment made by my husband (he's sorry he made it now), I made plans to mark off number 2 on the list; travel from one end of Indiana to the other.

We started off in the empty nest doing pretty well. Hubby and I communicated. We didn't struggle to find a balance. We shared our feelings. I was bubbling with happiness, and I probably knew on some level that my WARNING sign deep down was blinking, but I tried hard to suppress it. Pfft. There is always something lingering around the corner to blow me off the top and Irma was her name this time. The hurricane blew in, albeit not as strong as we all thought and I'm SO grateful for that, but she threw things into a tizzy from our home to our health to our emotions. It was a trying time, and as we now pull ourselves out of the wreckage, some things can't be undone or unsaid. I know we will emerge from this time as my GOING UP sign deep down is blinking, but I feel a tad guilty for going on a "vacation" as my husband now refers to my trip.

I haven't been to Indiana in three years. THREE YEARS. I can't believe that myself. It's been even longer than that since I was in my hometown. Things have changed in those three plus years, not only with me, but with friends and family. There have been deaths. There have been illnesses. Kids have gone off to college. Kids have been born and are growing up. I've missed a bunch of that. I have a great niece who just turned five. She has a head full of red hair like my own girls. I've never met her. How crazy is that? It is time I return to the state where I was born.

The problem when going home is all of the people that claim they want to see you. I say claim, because let's face it some people are just being nice, but this trip I'm determined to see everyone whether they want to see me or not. I put it out there on social media. I've made plans to see family. I'm reaching out to friends I haven't seen in over twenty years.

In my paternal family social media site: It isn't a farewell tour, but more like a visit from the queen. SO...My senior council/security detail/chauffeur has set up my first meet and greet. I will be holding court here on this date. Anyone interested in joining me for beer and pizza, come on down. I miss all of you and would love to see ya!

My cousin recently moved to Indianapolis. I pictured the capitol, but apparently like all cities there are offshoots, little towns and cities not exactly in the big city. She didn't really move to Indianapolis. She moved near Indianapolis. Like thirty minutes near the city. Uh. SO that opened up some possibilities and close others, but my cousin, aka senior council/security detail/chauffeur, is determined to be at my beck and call. Like she should be....for the queen.

Me: "Are the kids fighting over marking off the dates on the calendar."
Jaimee: "What calendar?"
Me: "The Countdown to Cara Calendar. You have that, don't you? Where the kids fight over who is going to mark off that day's date?"
Jaimee: "There will be a calendar as soon as I get home."

I have to also mention that while this phone call was taking place that Jaimee entered, browsed, purchased items, and drove to sixteen different stores, prepared and grilled kabobs on her grill to feed her brood of twenty, and decorated her mantle in Halloween decor. (For all I know she was also at a delivery snapping pictures as a new life entered the world. This is a new side business she is starting. Enter Cara in the checkout section and receive 10% off on your birth photos. Well, when she gets that website up and running. She was probably doing that while on the phone with me too.)

I sat on my couch and talked. Just sayin'. 

Within a couple of hours I received a video of her children fighting over who was going to mark down the days until I arrived on the BRAND NEW Countdown to Cara Calendar.

This woman is SO talented and creative. Who even has that board in their house? I hope she didn't purchase it just for this purpose or her husband will kill her. He is more concerned with blinds on his new windows so his new neighbors don't see him naked. My suggestion when he inquired about what to do regarding his nakedness was to work out. Bada Boom! Folks, I'm coming to Indiana. Sign up now to hear more of my humor. I'm starting out in the south and making my way north. Message me if you don't think you can stand not to see me. I'd love to have a coffee and catch up our twenty plus years. Life is short. Let's have some fun!

1 comment:

  1. You are even welcome to hold court at my house...nothing like visiting the old neighborhood (and the OLD neighbor!). I would love to see you. Sue
