Monday, October 02, 2017

Out of the mouths of someone else's babe

I was unable to watch football this Sunday due to...well, there may or may not be some illegal activities going on in regards to the television situation in the new subdivision so I cannot discuss it or I might be picture a slash across my throat I watched the Steelers on my laptop while listening to the radio and playing 500 rummy. There was no way to take notes with all of that going on so I'm forfeiting my Monday recap. Just know that the Steelers win was HUGE, especially with the Patriots losing. It's about time.

Jaimee: "Guys, listen. After you're done folding the clothes, I want you to go upstairs and pick up your rooms."

Kids: "AAAAAAHHHHHH. Whine! Whine!"

Jaimee: "I'm not kidding. Listen. Guys! The reason I want you to clean up your rooms is because the cleaning people come tomorrow."

Carson: "Isn't that their job? I'm pretty sure that clean is in their name, isn't it? Why are they getting paid if we're doing the cleaning? That really ticks me off."

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