Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday morning NFL recap - week #8


  • I can't figure it out. We have the gun power in our quarterback. We have the ability with our wide receivers. We have a hell of a running back, and our defense, which people thought wouldn't be much this year has shown heart. Yet, yet we aren't playing to all of that potential. No one understands it, least of all me, but I've felt that we've been that way for the last six or so I've written.
  • Offense once again couldn't get it going. There were moments, yes, but when we needed it we couldn't get it. Still can't....oops, and there goes JuJu Smith-Schuster, our twenty-year rookie for a 97 yard TD! I'll gladly eat my words there. 
  • Speaking of Smith-Schuster. He doesn't have a driver's license and rides his bike all around Pittsburgh, tweeting some of his rides. This week someone stole his bike and he tweeted it out. Antonio Brown then tweeted the hashtag #teamfindjujusbike and offered two tickets to the game if found. It blew up on Twitter and was hilarious. I'm impressed with the way this kid handles himself on social media. The city got involved, the bike was found, and the fun took away from the whole Martavis Bryant situation. If only that team work could carry over on the field.
  • Also wish that we would do as well in the red zone as we do with our touchdown celebrations. 
  • The defense gets the job done and the offense can't score after the defense's recovery of a fumble. It's frustrating, and I'm not sure if it's the play calling or the execution. 
  • This week Bell had someone call him out on Twitter with a he isn't as good as he thinks he is tweet and Smith-Schuster's own teammate called him out on Twitter. Difference? JuJu proved that tweet wrong tonight. Youth, strength, or a little bit of both? 
  • This game did nothing for my recently racing heart issues that I've had for a couple of weeks now. Good thing my doctor is a Steelers fan when I have to discuss my last heart palpitations tomorrow during my physical. 

  • So, someone leaked the Houston Texan owner Bob McNair's comment made during the owners' meeting October 17th where he said, "We can't have the inmates running the prison" and understandably his team is pissed at him. I'm not sure why all of the teams aren't angry, frankly, since this was directed at all of them and since this meeting was supposed to be about how the owners could connect to their employees regarding the anthem situation. Sounds to me like the owners, or at least Bob McNair, has zero respect for the guys who make him the big money. Yowzer!
  • I gotta say, I'm impressed with the Jets. Their defense is strong. Their offense is lit. Who thought they were going to suck this year?
  • How cool is Philadelphia's Carson Wentz in the pocket? I mean, this guy doesn't panic or even move at times. He just stands there and puts all of his faith on his offensive line and then throws the bomb. Wentzelphia!
  • The Raiders fumbled four balls. What? Oil on the ball? At least the Falcons had the rain as an excuse for their four fumbled snaps. I'm not betting against the Bills anymore.
  • The Bears Zach Miller injury was tough to watch, I mean, his knee did the Linda Blair spin, but how again was that not a touchdown? He didn't remain in control of the ball? Seriously? Disagree.
  • We are done in England for the year. They will return to their football and we will return to ours.
  • I was thinking as I watched Russell Wilson put his mouth guard on his helmet after each down and then returned it to his mouth that....well, yuck. So many football players do this very thing and when you think about where that helmet is during a game....well, yuck.
  • How exciting were the last two games; Dallas/Washington, Seattle/Houston? The Seattle/Houston game was back and forth, and just when I thought it was over with Wilson's interception, Seattle came back with a score and sealed it with their own interception. Stellar ball.
  • Props to the Texans for taking the high road. I called it the other way, but they acted like responsible adults and played like good employees doing their job. Kudos.

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