Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Steelers MNF recap

  • Not but a few minutes into the game, Steelers LB Ryan Shazier, one of the nicest, most stellar human beings, was carted off the field on a backboard with apparently no feeling in his lower extremities. Shazier lowered his head on a hit to the receiver, fell to the ground, grabbed his lower back, flipped on to his back, and immediately asked for help. He began moving his arms and hands as if trying to get feeling into them from immediate numbness, but that is just the speculation of many who rewound it multiple times. I follow Shazier on social media and when I say he is a remarkable father and Steelers teammate, that is putting it mildly. My thoughts go out to his wife and children. How horrific that must be to watch either on television or in the box. Shazier was taken immediately to the hospital, and the Steelers issued a statement saying they would not be updating the media anytime soon. Prayers for Shazier and his family. Word is a spinal contusion and a lot of swelling. Police escort took Tomlin and General Manager Kevin Colbert to the hospital after the game.
  • The Steelers players were shaken up. Vince Williams cried on the field. Mike Tomlin looked stricken. It's a sick feeling to watch a player, any player, have a serious injury. Makes you remember this game is nuts and totally not worth a man's health or his life. The players had a hard time bouncing back from the injury to their teammate. Funny, though, how it didn't affect the Bengals players at all. That to me said it all.
  • This rivalry is awful. I hate that the NFL allows players like Burfict to play in the league. I hate that hits like the one Rob Gronkowski did yesterday, after the fact and deliberate, only result in a one-game suspension. This is where the league sucks. There were several hits on players in this game that really, truly made my stomach hurt. Even ESPN MNF commentator Jon Gruden made reference to some of the nastiness from the Bengals on the Steelers. It just has got to stop. Seriously.
  • Marvin Lewis is not a favorite of mine because I don't feel he leads well. In the broadcast, it was mentioned how Lewis compared Vontaze Burfict to Raven's former player Ray Lewis, whom he once coached, as if saying that was something to proud of, and it just made me more disgusted. That right there, seriously? Ugh. Marvin Lewis most likely will not be back with the Bengals next year, and I agree. He hasn't stopped the nonsense between these two teams, and I believe that is on the coaches. They are the head of the team. Pull those guys together and shut that shit down!
  • JJ Watt, after a Bengals touchdown, shook his head and signaled to the team their need to stop celebrating and get back down the field because, and Watt animated his facial features and exaggerated his signaling, there was a holding penalty that nulled the touchdown. Watt's actions were very entertaining no matter the outcome.
  • Ben Roethlisberger actually had a play where he was called to run on third down! It was hilarious to watch him try to get some traction and speed. God love the man, but he is not a runner.
  • I was impressed with the MNF booth crew. They didn't hold anything back and told it like they felt. Wow! Rarely, do you hear commentators lay into the refs, the players, but these two just voiced their displeasure, no holds barred. I didn't always agree with them, but I gave them props for calling it out. 
  • In the fourth quarter, JuJu Smith-Schuster's taunting of Burfict after hitting him in the head was totally uncalled for, childish, and sickening after what had already happened to his teammate. While I understand the disgust with Burfict that many players probably have, and I sure have it, our players have got to be the better men. JuJu is young, the youngest in the NFL, but if the league is going to allow these players that young they have got to be responsible in educating them too. Sad thing is that Shazier would be one who would take JuJu aside and let him know that was irresponsible. Schuster apologized after the game and agreed the hit was illegal. I hope he truly learns from this, but in the locker room while reporters questioned him, Antonio Brown kept yelling, "Karma" and said he'd pay the fine. Come on. This is what I'm talking about. Guys, stop the shit. It has got to strt with you acting like a grown up.
  • Of course, no one mentioned how Burfict, who ended up carted off the field (???), sat up and grabbed Schuster's leg and twisted, trying to bring him to the ground. Burfict was carted outside the locker room where we were informed he "hopped off the board and walked to the locker room".
  • Then there came a hit on Antonio Brown in the end zone that was totally uncalled for too. Ugh.
  • A pall was over the entire game for me. I'm glad the Steelers got back in it and won, but all the ugliness ruins it for me. In the on the field interview of Ben Roethlisberger he summed it up with, "It's AFC football". No, its AFC North football, and next week we have the Ravens. I'm to the point where I don't want to watch these teams battle it out if they can't play nice.
  • Jon Gruden on Sports Center said, "Let's hope a lot of these men are able to get up in tomorrow morning and move on with life, but some of this stuff got out of hand tonight. It's very disgusting and disturbing." Amen, Gruden! And the refs and the league need to start nipping it in the bud. There will be fines, but that doesn't solve anything.
  • Kicker Chris Boswell kicks the winning field goal again. But no one interviews him after the game againWhat?
  • Antonio Brown's sore, inflamed toe was the talk of television in the pregame, warm ups, and in the first few minutes of the game until I wanted to scream. Please. If that toe were an issue, Brown wouldn't have been playing. And play he did. Making his normal unbelievable catches, even with only one hand. Tomlin said, "He's easy to believe in. You leave a light on for Antonio Brown."
  • I snapped this shot of a fan in the stand at Paul Brown stadium. I felt it summed it up all the ugliness we always get with the Bengals. This guy was annoyed at a call, but seriously, look at the anger. And his team was winning at this point!! Oh, and the pin he is wearing that says, "Steelers suck". Pfft. Final score: Steelers 23, Bengals 20. Who sucks, buddy?

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