Tuesday, January 02, 2018

New Year's Resolution 2018

My side of the family has kept resolutions since 1989. Then we wrote them down on paper which I still have tucked nicely into a folder marked New Year's Resolutions, and over the years we've emailed and texted in our resolutions to be transcribed into my computer file with the same name. This year we moved on to a Google Drive document so that everyone has access to view and edit with a few glitches along the way. To be safe, I'll transcribe into my Word document, print, and tuck into the folder marked New Year's Resolutions. Can't be too careful. This is really a family documentation.

I thought maybe I should go back through my resolutions and resolve to complete all of the ones I didn't complete. Unfortunately, I didn't do that until I had already made my 2018 resolutions, and when I read through the years, I realized that through 29 years of resolutions I've kept resolving to do the same damn things just in different years. WTH? It's like a theme with me. Blah, blah, blah. And nothing, obviously, is being resolved. Unfortunately, this year's resolutions haven't changed anything. Maybe I'll make a bold statement this year with I RESOLVE TO TRULY WORK HARD AT RESOLVING THESE RESOLUTIONS. Hmmm, we'll see.

Here then are my 2018 resolutions.

  1. Eat a fruit and vegetable and drink milk daily and exercise twenty minutes a day, whether walking or dancing, going to the gym or just getting up and marching in place. Just some movement, and to get back to the weight I was before the death of Connie. That will be thirty pounds, give or take a few bags. (That’s a spades reference) - Nothing like cramming it all in one resolution. I made 15 resolutions to lose weight over the years, 8 resolutions to exercise, and 2 resolutions to eat healthily and drink milk. This will be the year that I conquer all of them!
  2. To finish my romance novel - I made four resolutions in the past regarding writing. This will be the year I actually FINISH writing something.
  3. To finish scanning all of my photos into the computer - Yep, reoccurring with 3 previously made resolutions on this subject. I've organized them, scanned several, but plan on getting it all done by starting early in the year.
  4. To begin exploring my maternal and paternal genealogy (So that I can do something with those photos I have inherited of people I don't know) - Occasionally, I came up with new resolutions. This would be one that I've never resolved before. Another project for this year!
  5. To listen more before I speak - Thought this one was new, but low and behold I've made it twice before. For heaven's sake, is change even possible?
  6. To travel whether with or without other people - A new one! I like this one. I want to explore new places. See old places. Fly. Get out of the house. Be bold. See what the world has to offer.
I probably should also resolve not to make the same resolutions after this year now that I've taken considerable notice of the past, but that's one I'll have to keep from here on out. No more improving my naughty language (made 6 times), getting bday cards out on time (5), learning to relax (8), having patience (3), and/or clearing my mind (5).  From here on out, after checking off these resolutions, I shall resolve to come up with different resolutions!

Here's to a happy and healthy new year for all of my peeps. Thanks for reading!

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