Monday, March 12, 2018

Out of the mouths of my babes

Not long after our resolutions were made and in the books, Tom began planning on keeping one of his; to see more broadway shows. No one argued and we made the plans for Spring Break, which by some sort of crazy miracle, the girls had at the same time. Grandma MaryAnne then jumped on the wagon, having missed out on the first trip, and we had ourselves a trip to New York City.

The unfortunate part of the trip came in the beginning with our 5:15 a.m. flight. WTH? We had to leave our house at 3:00 a.m. and we managed to be loaded and in the car several minutes prior, a feat rarely accomplished in our household. Yet, we were despite a struggle in deciding which door to exit. I wanted everyone to go through the garage, but Tom insisted on going out the front door. He had my keys and so I felt it necessary to give him a play by play on how to lock the door. He argued. I argued. He completed the task and we headed out.

Tom: “Your mother doesn’t believe me when I say I’ve done something.”
Darcy: “What else is new? You just haven’t learned how to deal with that.”
Tom: “Deal with it?”
Darcy: “Like Maddy and I do. Grit your teeth and smile.

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