Monday, April 02, 2018

Second leg of Spring Break II 2018

3/28/18 Cara in the journal

These people are serious about being on time. Check-out time was 10:00 a.m. and by golly, the car was packed and ready for travel by 9:48 a.m. I did not get to poop.

So far we have managed to compromise quite well considering we are all set in our own ways and have different views and ways of doing things. We agreed the unit was the bomb and it was. I reviewed it on my blog.

Today we move on to Myrtle Beach. As we head east, the weather in Santee is in the high 70's. It never even got into the 60's while we were there, but now that we're leaving its fabulous weather. Typical.

From the moment we got into the car, Sydney was back on her phone. This time Alex has joined her and any questions regarding the trip or this journal are met with angry volatile, and ridiculous responses. Perhaps our compromising has come to an end. The mood in the car is not as jolly as our previous drives, but perhaps that is a good thing. Sometimes children should not be heard, right?

The thing I've noticed while in SC is how many trees have fallen. Literally fallen, uprooted. Is that from the last hurricane or something the state is doing? Felling trees? If it is weather related, FEMA is way behind on cleaning that up. Fallen trees are everywhere.

I had to stop writing to get on my electronic device. My cousin Jaimee popped into the app House Party and so I had to get on. She was at work and wanted to show her co-workers how the app worked. They are considering using it for interactive meetings. We signed off and then both my daughters popped on to the app because they saw me on. So, I had to chat with them and thus joined Alex and Sydney in the land of electronics. But I was interacting. My kids needed my advice.

The road to Myrtle Beach is a two-lane road through small towns that are either quaint or ghostly. We just passed through Spring Gully, SC which happens to be the birthplace of Chubby Checkers. Alex came out of his electronics long enough to shoot out a trivia question about Chubby, which I answered correctly much to his dismay and he went back to it. We did not spot Mr. Checkers walking down the road. He probably doesn't live there anymore.

The weather has been sunny and warm our entire drive. I am definitely overdressed. So far not having a jacket hasn't been the issue I was concerned about except maybe in the unit where SueG had the temperature set at "meat locker cold". If the air wasn't on, the doors and windows were opened letting in the 40-degree temperatures. She had the fans turned on high and I kept turning them off. She had to do a lot of compromising in regards to the temperature. I live with Jack Spratt and am not used to the cooler temperatures inside. I have a feeling, however, she controlled things at night when I was shut inside my bedroom. She will be in big trouble if I get sick.

My GPS took us somewhere on the beach, but it wasn't our destination. I had to reprogram it and we drove another twenty minutes, and backtrack before we got to where we needed to be. Typical when I navigate.

The unit is only a two-bedroom and it is WAY smaller than the unit we just left. Apparently, oceanside views mean smaller, narrower units. That is the problem with Wyndham resorts in popular destinations. They build them to cram in as many people as possible. Next time I'll try one of the other Myrtle Beach Wyndham resorts. Our view, however, is incredible and the roar of the ocean is a plus. If only it weren't so cold, I wouldn't mind leaving our porch door open.

We ate at a restaurant that I went to the last time I was here. It still comes up on Yelp as a good one and it had stuff the picky Sydney kid would eat so why not? We had a delicious meal and ended the night playing cards. We are hopeful for sunny and warmer weather tomorrow so we can stroll the beach.

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