Monday, August 13, 2018

Hear my music!

I did it. I bought myself some drums. Three weeks ago right after a fabulous drum lesson, it poured down rain. I mean, POURED. So, because I didn't want to be sopping wet for my twenty-minute drive home I shopped. And by shopping I mean I tried out the drums I had researched online, discussed it with the salesman, and then bought the kit. It's an Alesis Nitro electric drum kit.

I bought the electric drum kit because:
  1. My teacher recommended that
  2. They were less expensive (figured I should start out inexpensive and work my way up)
  3. They took up less space in my house
Unfortunately, they had to be ordered and delivered. 

Me: "So, I this means I have to put them together?"
Salesman: "Your husband can do it, I'm sure."
Me: "Seriously? Did you just say that? My husband? Dude, are you even living in this century?"
Salesman: "Well, if I had a husband I'd make him do everything."

I left the music store with a hefty credit card bill and nothing to show for it, but I felt GREAT. Whoo Hoo! I'm getting drums!! I SnapChatted everyone on my friend list. 

No one believed me.


The drums arrived in less than two days in a big box. Tom and I put them together. We have a system. A system that apparently lives only in my head and consists of this: I read the directions and tell him what to do and he does it. 

The real system goes like this: I read the directions and he questions me. I read them again. He makes noises and attempts to do what I tell him, but constantly asks me if I'm right. I tell him I am. He hems and haws until I show him the damn directions. 

It takes a while to build things. Just say'in...

But once the drums were built and he'd gone to bed I rocked out. As much as I could since I'm still in the first chapter of my instruction book. But what a difference it is to practice on drums as opposed to the couch, my desk, and my knees. Not that I'm not good on those devices. I am. But the sound is WAY better and I think helping me excel at a faster pace. 

Next up? Forming a band. Well, after I get through a few more chapters.

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