Wednesday, September 05, 2018

8 month 2018 resolution check

I thought about skipping this check-up because, as the time drew near, I knew I was doomed. Knowing that, I scanned some photos. Whew. But, I'm a trooper and not a quitter, so here it is.

I rate myself with numbers 1-10. Always working to have a total 60-60 by the end of the year. Has yet to happen, but I'm optimistic. So, here goes:

  1. Eat a fruit and vegetable and drink milk daily and exercise twenty minutes a day, whether walking or dancing, going to the gym, or just getting up and marching in place. Just some movement, and to get back to the weight I was before the death of Connie. That will be thirty pounds, give or take a few bags. (That's a spades reference) - This is such a convoluted resolution I don't even see how I can judge it. For the most part, I eat a fruit and a vegetable daily. Am I diligent every day? Hardly, but I do it more than I do the daily milk intake and exercise of twenty minutes a day, although I have to say I've done that in the last month helping my friend. My aches and pains are a testament to keeping that one. Hmm...I have not lost weight, which was really my main goal. That is going to require something hardcore, and yeah, sitting on my ass for #2 makes that problematic. So, I've kept some and not others? Blah. I'll give it a half score. Score: 5
  2. To finish my romance novel - I've worked on this novel. I've recently tweaked some things and feel like maybe the end is in sight. Or perhaps that's wishful thinking? I'm thinking about going on a weekend writing retreat next month (which will help with #5) to help push me over, but in essence, I'm working.  Score: 10
  3. To finish scanning all of my photos into the computer - Ugh. Finish scanning? Please. Did I think I could do that in a year? I suppose I could've had I not made all the other resolutions. Note to self: Next year's resolutions need to be more specific and not so busy.  Score: 3
  4. To begin exploring my maternal and paternal genealogy (So that I can do something with those photos I have inherited of people I don't know) - Uh, no. Score: 0
  5. To travel whether with or without other people - I have conquered this resolution. Each two-month check-up I have traveled. This one wasn't any different as I went to SC. In a week or so, I'm heading to IN. Yeah, me! Score: 10

Total: 28 out of 50 - My lowest score yet. Never fear, I'll bring it home these next four months. Or maybe not...

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