Monday, September 03, 2018

Out of the mouth of someone else's babe

I played cards with my SIL, MIL, and niece when a text message dinged.

Brea: "Daddy said he just got a telescope."

SIL: "Yes, the neighbors were getting rid of theirs, and so we got it."

Me: "Why do you need a telescope?"

SIL: "To see the STARS!"

My SIL said this with the enthusiasm of a young child. I must have eyeballed her because she repeated it again as if I hadn't heard it the first time.

I read the repeat as an inflection that adults do to get a child to love something. "It's BROCOLLI!"

But again, I must have had an odd look on my face. My brain worked overtime to understand my SIL's excitement over a possible viewing of stars in her suburban golf course backyard. Or to know why she wanted her daughter to be thrilled about the acquiring of a telescope. She's never showed an inclination or joy regarding star viewing, and so I honestly was perplexed.

Me: "You can see the stars with your eyes."

Brea: "Let's call Daddy."

Mike: "Hey."

Brea: "What's with the telescope?"

Mike: "The neighbors were getting rid of it, and so I said we'd take it."

Brea: "For what?"

Mike: "To look at stars. It's really nice and expensive."

SIL: "And it was free!"

Brea: "Really? Can we sell it on eBay then and get a bunch of money?"

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