Monday, October 29, 2018

NFL Monday morning recap week 8

Steelers - With the city still reeling from the synagogue shooting on Saturday, the guys managed, after a slow start, to win. A moment of silence was observed at Heinz Field before the game, but the team and management, players, and media had already expressed themselves long before kickoff. Some had lived in Squirrel Hill. Others had friends who were members of the synagogue. All were, like the rest of the country, shocked and saddened. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city, but the people there are the most friendly, genuine, and kindest people I've ever run across in traveling. Their sports teams are a huge part of the city, and Pittsburgh needed this win in more ways than one. 

  • Having Ryan Shazier led the pep cheer has to be inspiring. CBS showed it to the world, but Shazier travels with the team and does this every game. His recovery has been observed by Steelers fans, but it's his faith and determination that should pump us all up. 
  • The defense came out slow yet managed to hold the Browns to two field goals. We worried this was going to be one of those games, but the defense pulled it together by the middle of the first quarter and managed to hold.
  • The offense, too, started slow--punt, interception, three and out before finding their mojo.
  • And the penalties in the first quarter? Ugh. The Browns and the Steelers lead the league in those.
  • My buddy has names for most of the opposing teams, players, coaches, etc. He calls the Browns the Clowns, and this game aptly fit. A lot of stumbling, bumbling, and tumbling on both sides. None more so, than after the Browns acquired a penalty in the end zone that resulted in a safety. The rules state after a safety, the punt becomes a free-kick, meaning any team can attempt to retrieve the ball. Yeah. Apparently, the players on the field, on both sides, haven't read the rule book. The Browns kicked. The Steelers had three men in the back--Antonio Brown, who has played a returner but not recently, Roosevelt Nix, who obviously forgot where he was supposed to be, and Ryan Switzer, our new kickoff returner. For some reason, Nix signaled (or at least threw up his arm, and I doubt it was to check his pit stink) for the fair catch and then didn't catch it. Switzer, beliving Nix was going to get it, let the ball go. I wondered if the rule was once a fair catch has been called, then that player has to field the ball, but uh, no. Another player can catch it, but can't advance it. Yet, Switzer acted as if he'd be penalized, and yes, the Steelers were penalized quite a bit yesterday, so I suppose he was shy. The ball bounced and rolled to the twenty and four Browns players dove on it like it was the snitch from Harry Potter. But they too hadn't read the rule book because they should've picked it up and run it into the end zone. Instead, they touched it and celebrated the Steelers gaff. On the sidelines, those who knew the rule--depending on the team--reacted accordingly. There was excited jumping from the Browns side and total disbelief from the Steelers. The Browns were rewarded the ball and turned the idiocy into a touchdown. Mike Tomlin better gift the rule book to every player tomorrow in practice.
  • Ben is still throwing some wonky balls, but his stats certainly don't tell that story. His pass to Antonio Brown for a touchdown in the red zone after the defense intercepted Mayfield was spot on and was a missile into Brown's hands. One of the Browns felt it whiz by his fingertips but as powerful as that throw was it only would have deflected.
  • Finish the game! The Steelers played until the last ten seconds in the first half scoring points to go into the locker room on fire. But once they'd secured the win on a James Connor touchdown, they let the Browns drive down the field for a score. No, no, no. Finish the game. I know it was raining, and you were tired, but you play until the end. The defense just gave the Browns those points.


  • The term this week was safety. Three safeties that I counted. Crazy. 
  • Four Jaguar players were arrested the night before the game in England for refusing to pay their bill that they and four other teammates racked up at a nightclub. They thought the drinks were on the house. The tab? I've seen between $57,000 - $64,000. What? What owner of a business is going to take that hit? Come on, NFL, let's rein these yahoos in.
  • What is happening with the Giants? Yikes! If Eli Manning isn't on the ground being sacked, his receivers aren't catching balls. Heads are going to be rolling in New York is my guess and soon.
  • The Seattle Seahawks with a big lead had to punt from their own end zone. Coach Pete Carroll told his punter Michael Dickson to get the ball, and instead of kicking it, run around in the end zone (???) to take time off the clock. Carroll told him to take the safety. Uh, really? That right, there was craziness. Carroll, who obviously has read the rule book on safeties and free kicks, wanted the free-kick and an opportunity to get the ball back. Dickson got the ball, didn't punt, stood for a moment, and when he realized the opposition was wondering what the hell he was doing by not kicking, he took off running. Out of the end zone. He made the first down and essentially told his coach he thought the man was whacked. But, Pete Carroll, in true Carroll fashion, laughed it off and jumped up and down in excitement.
  • Tampa removed Jameis Winston in the third quarter and replaced him with Fitzmagic, who came out with his wand arm and tied the damn game, throwing two great touchdowns. Steelers fans were more than pumped, but then out came the Tampa defense, and there went our happiness. The Bengals drove, kicked a field goal as time ran out, and once again, the Bucs managed to lose.
  • Anyone else spot Aaron Rodgers holding his hand up for a high five after throwing a bomb to put the Packers back into the game? Yeah, well, neither did his teammates because no one returned it.

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