Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Patrick 2018

I lost two friends recently, one was expected, the other not. They weren't friends I saw daily or communicated with much but friends nonetheless. It seems like I'm always writing about those I've lost. It sucks. But I have the memories...

My friend Patrick - We met as volunteers at our kids' school. His son was in Darcy's class, and discovering we had a love for football, brought us together. He was a single father, very involved, and he joined our Friday pizza nights.
  • Patrick was a huge Jets fan and always shouted J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets just to drive me crazy.
  • I used to have Steelers magnets attached to my van, and Patrick would pull them off and throw them on to my roof, so when I'd come back to my van, I'd think my magnets had been stolen. It was not a funny prank, guaranteed to always get me fired up, but eventually, I learned to look first on my roof. 
  • I once watched the Steelers play the Jets at Patrick's house. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but he insisted, made a bunch of food, and then we spent the entire game on opposite sides, shouting. We agreed never to do that again, and only smack talked when we played one another, the winner calling the loser to gloat. Which meant it was me calling him. Right, Pat?
In the early days, he invited us to carve pumpkins for Halloween. It started out great, but eventually, the kids got bored, and Patrick and I had to finish the carvings. He introduced me to unusual designs and encouraged me not to resort back to the usual pumpkin grin. 

  • I helped him move, and he let me organize his kitchen. When I'd ask where he wanted things he'd tell me he didn't care. For weeks, he would call me to ask where things were in his kitchen.
  • He loved to play games, and we spent many nights poolside at his house playing cards and board games with the kids.
  • He was loud! Sometimes when he'd get excited, I had to put my fingers in my ears because his voice would give me a brain freeze. 
  • I went to his second wedding on the beach and then helped him pick up the pieces when it ended a few months later. We'd told him not to marry, but he didn't listen. We liked to remind him of that after the hurt subsided.
  • Every month Tom announced who used the most minutes on our cell phones. One month I surpassed everyone three times over in one phone call--a conversation with Patrick while on my way to Orlando in the back seat of someone's car. He loved to chat.
  • He used to pass me on the road, and then call me to berate me for not seeing him. 
  • Patrick was the happiest guy I knew. He was friendly to everyone and was always the first to volunteer when it came to helping someone. He was a pleaser, and He'd go out of his way to coax a smile from people. 
  • Our kids grew, and our Friday night's ended. I had recently run into Patrick in the grocery store. There we caught up, and I met his new wife, standing in the aisle while people walked around us. He and I could've gone on for hours. I'm so glad I had that moment. 
  • He was 45 years old. 
Football season won't ever be the same without his texts or his voice berating my Steelers for messing up his Jets. All my love to his son, his parents, and his family.

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