Tuesday, November 06, 2018

10 month resolution check 2018

I rate myself with numbers 1-10. Always working to have a total 50-50 by the end of the year. It has yet to happen, but I'm optimistic. So, here goes:

  1. Eat a fruit and vegetable and drink milk daily and exercise twenty minutes a day, whether walking or dancing, going to the gym, or just getting up and marching in place. Just some movement to get back to the weight I was before the death of Connie. That will be thirty pounds, give or take a few bags. (That's a spades reference) - I had good intentions with this one, but they fell by the wayside. Way, way, far away. Down the drain kind of way. These last two months, I could say I had a veggie a day, and that's it. It was a sucky previous two months. Score: 0
  2. To finish my romance novel - This is all I've done. It isn't finished, but I work on it daily. It's taken over my head. I'm so close. I'm determined. Two months to go. Score: 10
  3. To finish scanning all of my photos into the computer - Nope. Not a one. Too busy with the novel.  Score: 0
  4. To begin exploring my maternal and paternal genealogy (So that I can do something with those photos I have inherited of people I don't know) - I did purchase something that was supposed to help me. That should count for a point, at least. Score: 1
  5. To travel whether with or without other people - Yes! This is one resolution I kept. I was the traveling fool--first to Indiana and then Ohio and then on a writer's retreat down south. I'm calling this resolution complete! Score: 10

Total: 21 out of 50 - Oh, my. Worse two months of resolutions yet. Have I mentioned these two months were sucky? Two more months to go. Not sure I will ever hit the 50 out of 50 mark. Ugh. Do people really keep these resolutions? Or do they do so by making realistic resolutions? Like, maybe only one?

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