Monday, December 17, 2018

NFL 2018 Monday morning recap week 15

Steelers: We needed that. Whew.

  • Former Steelers James Harrison made some comments about how the team needed accountability starting from the top down. "...a combination of coaching and playing." Yep. He isn't wrong. 
  • The defense showed. That's what we need for the rest of the year.
  • Oh, Bos. He spent this week watching other kickers try out for his job. The Steelers than brought in former kicker Shaun Suisham to offer up some pointers, and yet, Bowell still missed the FG. He made the first two PAT's but that missed FG had everyone on edge, I think. I know I was. When it came down to the wire with the next FG with a little over two minutes left in the game, the Wizard of Boz hit it. Straight through the uprights. It had to feel good.
  • The sack on Brady by T.J. Watt was beautiful, but the interception by Joe Haden was even better.
  • I would have given anything to have been able to have had Tony Romo, and Al Michaels shut up so that we Steelers fans could've listened to Renegade at Heinz Field. Just a smidge of it. Let the world see how it is at a Steelers game while that plays for the defense. Totally awesome!
  • Tony Romo grates on my nerves. I finally had to mute him and listen to the Steelers Radio Network even though they were a bit behind the broadcast. Romo never did anything for me as a quarterback, and he does even less for me as a broadcaster. Ugh. There are way too many other former players that could do a better job. Why? Why Romo?
  • One down, two to go. Next one on the road against the Saints. Oh, boy.


  • As the networks like to do, researchers came up with the information that Aaron Rodgers had attempted 402 passes without an interception. This was a huge topic of conversation, and I said to myself, "Yep, just jinxed that." Next play? Interception. Ended not only the streak but the conversation.
  • The Cowboys must've not eaten their Wheaties or whatever hearty meal those western men eat before a cattle drive. Kudos to the Colts for their defense.
  • Baltimore's Joe Flacco, who injured his hip weeks ago was deemed healthy, but the coach chose to go with the newbie Lamar Jackson. It's always sad when the old-timer is put out to pasture, isn't it? Might just be his last year in Baltimore too.
  • So much fun to watch Da Bears. I enjoy a team that hasn't done well in many years and has likable characters and coaches. This team has been a blast to watch.
  • I loved the story on Drew Brees, who sent out balls to all the coaches who helped him as a player, receivers who caught the 6,357 balls, and those who helped block, etc. He mailed out specially designed balls as a thank you to all those who got him the record. That's class right there.
  • Sorry to see former wide receiver Martavis Bryant suspended indefinitely for more drug problems. Ugh. The guy has certainly been given chances. Too bad, he needs more help than what the NFL can give him. I hope he gets it.
  • Nick Foles. Welcome back, buddy. I'd have never let you sit this long.

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