Saturday, January 05, 2019

From the child version to the adult version

In working on my January project of going back through my blog and sprucing it up, I was on the following entry when my daughter called. Since she was the daughter involved in the incident, I read it to her, and we discussed it all over again amid some chuckling.

Madison: "We were into playing spies back then. We would do spy work in between our work, and if we caught each other doing it, then we got a point or something. That whole peeking at the journal fit right into our spying routine. We just carried on with it because it was intriguing. What was she writing about us in the journal? What could she possibly be saying about us?"

Me: "So you remember it that vividly?"

Madison: "Oh, yes. It's one of those horrific incidents that still wakes me up in the night. Because when the paper was found and read, Mrs. V. asked who had written it, and I let C. take the fall. I technically hadn't "written" it, and I think Mrs. V. also asked if anyone else had added to the paper, and I thought, "well, I hadn't put pencil to paper so..." Then when C. got taken outside, I felt so guilty that I had let my friend take the fall that I don't even think I admitted to anything. I just went out and sat down next to her on the bench and listened to the whole speech."

Me: "I just remember being so annoyed that Mrs. V. was so upset about her INVASION OF PRIVACY, which she kept declaring in capital letters. I remember being annoyed that she was writing about my child, using her name, in a journal that was being read by someone else. I thought, "WTH, lady!"

Madison: "They let us pick our punishment, and I remember telling the other two because H. had joined us by this time, "this is really serious, and we should make our punishment be that we can't go on the Valentine skate field trip because THIS IS REALLY SERIOUS WHAT WE DID."

Me: "I let so much of that crap upset me. Jeez, I got so worked up about teachers and administration, and looking back on it now, I wasted a lot of good nights sleep over stupid stuff."

Madison: "The funny thing is that it was so boring--what she wrote. It was stuff like so and so is working. So and so has completed a math equation and is now free to do another piece of work. Nothing earth-shattering."

Me: "Well, writing the entry, let me get out my frustration, and now we have another piece of your history. I'll add this conversation to it since you obviously didn't tell me about the spy stuff back then."

Madison: "And admit I wasn't solely working on my school work?"


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