Monday, February 04, 2019

Super Bowl snooze

I picked the Patriots to win. I went 174-91 for the year in picks. The leaders had 179 correct, so I'd say I did well. Enough to earn a pat on the back. As for the big game? If I hadn't been at someone else's house, I'd have fallen asleep. Worst game ever, honestly. A real snooze fest.

The game:

  • For all of the hype this year that defense was gone from the NFL, the big game of the year proved otherwise. Punt, punt, punt, punt. That was the word of the Bowl.
  • Sean McVay and Jared Goff have a lot of work to do offseason. McVay's coaching skills were absent and perplexing at best. The Rams punted on their first 8 possessions! Gone was McVay's exciting play-calling and trickery we've come to love. And Goff? He made questionable throws, looked scared to death, and had absolutely no help from his offensive line, which was named the Offensive Line of the year award. The Rams were as lackluster as they'd been during the playoffs. 
  • The Rams' offensive line garnered the significant award of the year. While I argue that choice, hello, the Steelers O-line is one of the few things we rock at, the rest of the nation also watched that game and collectively scratched its head. That O-line should be embarrassed.
  • Then there was Rams' Aaron Donald, who was awarded the Defensive Player of the Year title. He had 20 and a half sacks this year. The most by any defensive tackle. In the Super Bowl? He had one tackle, assisted on four tackles, and had ZERO sacks. 
  • Where was Todd Gurley? The Rams running back has been mysteriously underutilized during the playoffs and now the SB. Injury? Attitude? Who knows? We certainly don't. His 34 yards on 11 carries in the SB are as nuts as Seattle not giving the ball to Marshawn Lynch in SB XLIX.
  • The media makes comments about how teams were looking for the new McVay this year when searching for coaches and how they won't be now. Uh, ok, well, it was one game. One game. Yes, it was the granddaddy of all sports, but still, one game. I'd take McVay over many coaches in the NFL. Let's not forget what the Rams were two years ago before McVay came along. Settle down, and find something else to grouse about.
  • To win against Tom Brady, a team has to have a defense that attacks. Brady doesn't like to be touched, so that's the key. Touch the hell out of him, nicely, of course. To keep that from happening, the Patriots mainly ran the ball. One up for Belichick.
  • Neither quarterback put up big numbers. Neither had an excellent rating. Neither looked good, although at least Brady made some catchable throws and first downs. I'm not a fan, will always believe at least two of Brady's SB wins deserve an asterisk, but the man knows how to get the damn job done. Leaves a sour taste in the mouth for the rest of the country that isn't a New England fan to see the bad guys come out on top, but no other teams have put on the white hats to take them down.

Commercials - Tons of celebrities. Truly. Do the A-list actors not have enough to do? Now they have to take small jobs from the little people too?

  • Christine Applegate in the M&M chocolate bar was funny.
  • Jason Bateman, as the elevator operator, was awesome. Love him.
  • Sarah Michelle Geller in Oil of Olay. Cute.
  • I laughed at Amazon, although I was horrified at how old Harrison Ford looked.
  • Michael Buble for Bubbly Water? Loved it. Love him. Sexy. Funny.
  • Serena Williams and Antoinette Harris in separate commercials but delivering the same powerful, we-are-women-we-rock speeches? Yes, please.
  • Car commercials not with Harris? Sucked. All of them.
  • Avocados? I like them. The commercial for them? Yuck.
  • Beers? Please. Just stop.
  • Best Commercial? The NFL 100th Gala dinner. All those players at the awards banquet? Fumble! So many great Steelers. How could it not be great?

Half time - Oh, my. Adam Levine is sexy but not without his shirt. Please. Stripping on national television? Sorry, Janet Jackson--double standard there. Twitter was awash with humor over the show and was way more entertaining than Maroon 5. Heck, we didn't even get to hear Travis Scott's lousy rapping since it was not PG and was bleeped. Seriously? You know the rules. Please.

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