Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spring Break 2019 - Day 1 continued

Yesterday was uneventful except that Alex and I had a come from behind sudden death win over SueG and Sydney in Madison's version of The Singing Bee. The winning lyric was from Kenny Chesney's She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy. Alex got the lyric correct for the win. We danced around the Wyndham unit.

We did, however, partake in Wyndham's activities last night. We went to Junk Food Bingo, which was quite the crowd, although not a ruckus, yee-haw, full of excitement one. I did my best to pump up everyone upon entering, but it was a tough group. The lady next to me was friendly and cheerful. She seemed to know quite a bit as if she popped in for this Bingo weekly.

Our activity director, the caller of our Bingo game, came in and tried to stir up the crowd as well. He did not introduce himself, but he was in his fifties and apparently known by many in the group. He went around asking people where they were from and giving little trivia facts about each state. I'm always hesitant when asked that question because those of us living in Florida aren't precisely from here, so I told him I was from the Tampa area via Indiana. 

Another group pipped up that they were from Newburgh and Tell City, Indiana. I held up my fist to bump from afar, but they were not sapped up enough to bond with me. Luckily, my next-door seatmate didn't leave me hanging. She fist-bumped me. Then a man at the table in front of us heard me ask if anyone was from Pittsburgh. He asked if I was a Steelers fan, and when I enthusiastically said yes, hoping to discuss the Antonio Brown trading situation, he shot me down.

Him: "The Steelers SUCK."

He was a Cowboys fan, although from New Jersey. Typical violent response from a Dallas fan. Whatever. We have more rings.

SueG won Bingo first from our group. Her excitement upon winning was heartfelt and a notch above anyone who'd won prior. No one shouted, BINGO, when they won. They either muttered things or said, "That's me." 

I was getting kind of bummed that the crowd was so lackluster. The AD tried to be funny with his games. We played regular Bingo, and then he made us stand up to play, sitting if he called your number. Last man standing won. He liked to call that play when the group seemed like they were sleeping. We played it quite a bit.

SueG chose a Reese Peanut Butter Cup for her Junk win because that's what her kids like, and she can't have candy. My card sucked, and so after about a half an hour, I stood up and traded for another one.

AD: "Hey, she's trading out her card for a new one!"
Me: "That wasn't a no-no in the rules you never read."
AD: "Fine with me, if you get another card."
Me: "You're all going to be truly sorry when I win. Anyone want to trade while I'm up?"

No one took me up on the offer, and no one attacked me for doing so. I did not win that round, but I did kill it next on the postage stamp bingo round.--four squares on the card, free square didn't count. I was sort of dozing, aware I needed B5, and then suddenly he was calling it. I pushed my red slot over before it hit me. 

I shouted BINGO, and then just in case no one heard it the first time, I yelled it again, throwing up my arms singing it over and over.

Me: "Bingo! Bingo. B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was the name-o."

And then for good measure, I stood up and danced while shouting it.

AD: "And that folks, is how it's done when you win."

I took a Kit Kat. Maddy and Alex then won, and we added another Reese and a Hershey Bar to the pile of junk. Sydney did not win. We told her it was karma for not participating in the car. She ate SueG's Reese. Pfft.

After Bingo came Karaoke and since we had nothing going on, we stayed for that too. We didn't sing with the mic although I sang along with the singers. Four people sang over and over, including the AD, who had a decent voice. The singers weren't bad, but the songs were all old-time songs that I knew from my dad.

SueG: "And Jesus music. That one guy kept singing church and cross songs."
Me: "Randy Travis sang that cross song. The others were decent hymns."
SueG: "Whatever. It was all depressing."

It really was. No up-tempo music. Most of it was melancholy. Madison ducked out first to poop or some such excuse. The rest of it made it to the end where a newbie walked in and sang a Mary J. Blige song that I'd never heard before, but it was harsh. Pretty much an angry woman trashing her man. The woman was a terrible singer. I mean, terrible, but I didn't care--good for her for putting herself out there. My friend next to me was one of the four singers. I high-fived her when I left.

When we exited, the AD wanted to know if I would be back next week as if this was a weekly recreation activity I'd signed up for and not a stay at a resort. He was very disappointed when I said I was leaving Wednesday.

AD: "You're just around the corner."

SueG and I are now considering driving over from Tampa every other week when she's off. This could be an excellent activity to get us out of the house.

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