Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Four month 2019 resolution check

Let's see how I'm doing four months in on the resolutions. I rate myself with a scale of 1-10. I work toward a total of 50-50 by the end of the year. While it hasn't happened yet, one never knows...

  • Tackle a project once a month - I had a project in March, which of course, carried into April along with January's project. Neither are finished. I did better the first three months than I did in April. I don't think I even looked at either that month. Wait. Let me work some now, and then I can at least give myself something.  Score - 3
  • Finish my book, begin editing it, and start writing book #2 - I feel like I always have excuses for why this damn book isn't done, but people, I AM SO CLOSE! I hit a wall in March, and after a two-hour plotting session with my writing guru Madison, I am so near! Getting over the hurdle was huge, and now I know where it is going. I have maybe two more chapters, maybe three left to write. I have had six people read Chapter 1. I write daily now from 10-5; those are my hours. I've turned down lunches and fun activities, and I'm obsessed. I even stayed up until 4:00 a.m. this week because I was on a roll. Plus, I've already started editing due to an editor and an agent visiting our writer's group these past two months. So that counts. And book two is being written in my head. Along with books 3 and 4. Score: 6
  • Learn the next step in the writing career (i.e., writing a synopsis, querying an agent, etc.). - Yes! Yes, I have been doing this. Oh, thank goodness. I was worried I hadn't made any of these damn resolutions. But not only have I been working on a synopsis of my book, but our writer's group also discussed querying an agent and working with an editor. So BAM! Score: 9
  • Adopt a healthier lifestyle (including eating, exercising, sleeping, and vitamins) - Kept this one going on the eating. I spent most of March walking at least 20 - 30 minutes, but April I didn't do as well. I blame the book. It's consuming me. Score: 5
  • Use more Wyndham points this year than last year - Okay, so I've book two Wyndham vacations for May and June! AND, I sold points to my SIL's for May and July. BAM! Score: 9
Total: 32 out of 50. After worrying that I hadn't scored well, I managed to outdo the last check-in, so that's good. Here's to an even better halfway mark!

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