Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Six month resolution check

Let's see how I'm doing six months in on the resolutions. I rate myself with numbers 1-10. Always working to have a total 50-50 by the end of the year. Hasn't happened yet, but one never knows...

  • Tackle a project once a month - Yeah, uh, no, this one has not been done in the last two months. Darn it!  Score - 0

  • Finish my book, begin editing it, and start writing book #2 - YES! The book is done. It was done in May. I've started editing it! I've started writing book 2! Score: 10

  • Learn the next step in the writing career (i.e., writing a synopsis, querying an agent, etc.). - I have been doing this. I wrote a synopsis for a contest that I entered. We are learning the other stuff via my writer's group. Yes! Score: 10

  • Adopt a healthier lifestyle (including eating, exercising, sleeping, and vitamins) - Okay, so I've started this one now, but the last two months? It was iffy. I ate healthily, but the exercising could've been more. Score: 5

  • Use more Wyndham points this year than last year - Sold some more points to Darcy and her college friends. Used mine in CA. Yep! Score: 10

Total: 35 out of 50. Better than the four-month check-in. Better than halfway. Perfection in three categories. I'll take it.

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