Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tennis elbow means less blogging

Summer is chugging along here in Florida. Darcy works. Madison is studying and helping a friend apply for med school by editing her applications. I am working on my resolutions. I've been sidelined in my writing by lateral epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow in my right arm. It happened after three hours of scraping wallpaper border in Madison's room, and it hasn't gotten better. I've narrowed it down to typing on my Ipad over vacation, something that I've continued since coming home. Add that to the scraping, and I've got myself a damn injury that is making me crazy.

I've had it before in my left arm. That wasn't so bad since I'm right-handed. Now in my right arm, it is a killer. I can't even shake hands without wincing in pain. I had to cancel my drum lessons indefinitely because there is no way I can hit the high hat. I tried. Now I'm reduced to ibuprofen, ice, and a brace.

How does one not use his right arm? It's almost impossible for me. I think I need a sling to keep it immobile. Straightening it for anything longer than a minute is excruciating. Sleeping is a problem. Hell, brushing my teeth is crazy!

All this is really to say that's why my blogging has been slack. Please forgive me. I'm working on it.

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