Friday, August 09, 2019

Staycation 2019 - Day 5 and 6

Very few people during the week. Most of the summer crowd has headed home to begin getting ready for school, leaving us the beach. It's nice. We went to our beach not far from my house. SueG had never parked anywhere besides the park and was quite happy to learn she could park down a side street for free. New Things!

The water was even choppier than the day before. Susan and SueG's daughter went for a walk since we hadn't gone to the gym. I attempted the water, but fighting the waves wore me out, and so I went on my own walk so that my steps wouldn't be too far off of Susan's. I walked a little over a mile, and Susan wasn't back when I finally found SueG. So much for my steps.

The weather has been great, so the waves were a mystery. On our beach, it 's possible to stand way out to the buoys, but even that far were waves. I attempted to get out far beyond them, but it was crazy. If my Apple Watch were the latest, I could've probably counted my swim as exercise. I was sorry I didn't have a board or a raft to ride the waves.

The sun was relentless. Susan decided we would only spend a few hours every day on the beach, and by the time they returned from their walk, we were all ready to head back to the pool. So far, we'd done well with the sunscreen. Usually, just a sunburnt nose or an ear tip or the tops of feet were burned each night.

The next day we hit the gym again, and then we went to the grocery. Susan is a big salmon eater and has always told me that I just needed to learn how to cook it correctly. We bought salmon and other things to celebrate Tom's birthday later that night, then we went to the beach, parking this time in the lot so that we could get an umbrella as we were all feeling the heat by Day 6.

More choppy water again but not as crazy. I spent a lot of time in the water far out beyond the higher waves. The Susans stayed near shore. The umbrella helped. We stayed longer than our two hours and only left when we knew we had to start cooking for the birthday guy.

Susan did all of the work, and I never saw how she cooked it because I was pooped. She talked me through it from the kitchen. I think I can maybe attempt it later down the road. We had dinner and then celebrated with presents and a carrot cake.

Susan and the girls then went shopping while Tom and I chilled. My SIL can really wear me out. But I'm getting in my steps!

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