Thursday, October 31, 2019

10 month resolution check

1. Tackle a project once a month - I crammed this in by scanning pictures and editing my blog. Woo! Score - 5

2. Finish my book, begin editing it, and start writing book #2 - This one is done. Score: 10

3. Learn the next step in the writing career (i.e., writing a synopsis, querying an agent, etc.). - Yes. Did this too. Score: 10

4. Adopt a healthier lifestyle (including eating, exercising, sleeping, and vitamins) - Health issues curbed the exercising, but I did well with sleeping and eating. Score: 8

5. Use more Wyndham points this year than last year - This one can’t really be completed until the end of the year, but I sold points, and I did some traveling. Hmm... Score: 9

Total: 42 out of 50 - Feeling strong, although the last one might be iffy.

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