Wednesday, October 02, 2019

A day in the life of procrastinating

should be writing, but...
  • I haven’t blogged. I really need to catch up since my ten million readers are wondering what’s going on. Let me blog an entry or two...
  • Pictures are always good on the blog. I’ll pull up my photos. Wait. These photos are from August. Arg..I’m behind on that? Let me download the pictures from my phone...
  • And then remove them from the phone. Oh, and I should go through the pictures and assign folders. And one of my projects was supposed to be labeling them. Let me just do that quickly...
  • That was so easy. Since this is a resolution, let me go through 2019 and label all of the pictures. And maybe start on 2018...
  • What happened to those pictures I just downloaded? Why are they way down here in another year? I’m doing everything I always do, and they aren’t moving back up to 2019. Let me Google that...
  • Seriously? Antonio Brown has more drama? Let me just read about that...
  • I can’t believe what I’m reading. This is ridiculous. I’ve said...wait...let me tweet that. Let me get on Twitter...
  • So and so died? We have another hurricane brewing? I need to research this information...
  • Okay, back to the blog entry. Wait. Is that my phone? Oh, a text. Let me respond to that and maybe check my email while I'm here.
  • Ugh, that buzzer is my dryer. I need to fold those and do the change from the washer to the dryer.
  • I should eat. What can I fix for lunch? Let me just eat.
  • And I'll put the dishes into the dishwasher. Not sure why everyone leaves that job for me in the morning. 
  • There goes the buzzer again. Back into the laundry room.
  • I'll fill my water bottle and get back into the office now.
  • Is that the doorbell? Who ordered a package?
  • Speaking of package, where is my order from Penney's? I need to check that online because it should've been here by now. 
  • Oh, and where are the jerseys I ordered? Let me check that too.
  • I should start ordering Christmas stuff. Which reminds me, whose birthday have I forgotten? Oh, Eli's...yes, I need to send him something. I'll have to buy a card to put it in. Let me add that to my list.
  • Crap, it's almost time to think about dinner. Let me write.

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