Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mother skills

Last weekend we went dress shopping for Homecoming for my make-up daughter who entered high school this year. Madison and I invited ourselves along because, well, I went because my friend had absolutely no idea what she was in for, and Madison went because I wanted her to get some payback for what she put me through in shopping.

Turns out, we are much better shoppers when spending someone else's money.

We started at Penney's because I wanted to look for clothes for my upcoming trip to PA. I promised I wouldn't be too long, so Madison pulled dresses for Sydney to try. SueG and I sat in dressing room chairs and were treated to a fashion show. No biggie for me since I've done this, oh, 1,235 times, but for SueG who has one-tenth of patience?

Tee Hee.

Out of the six dresses she tried on, one was a maybe. Off we went. SueG was appalled at the prices of dresses. Uh-huh. She kept trying to steer us away from the big tags. We snuck a few in anyway. When Sydney rejected a dress, we shook our heads and made her try them on anyway. At some point, she announced she wanted a navy dress. That narrowed down our choices, but we kept digging.

At the last store-that being the one where SueG announced she was done-I made Sydney try on a dress, she'd rejected. It was added to the massive pile of dresses to try on, and she put it on last.

Yep, it was the chosen one. On sale. I asked the nice saleslady who'd been helping us for a coupon which she supplied. Then, while Madison and Sydney ran to the shoe department, the lady gave us a little more off and put the dress in a fancy hanging bag. By the time we met up with the girls, they had the shoes.

Check and check. My mothering skills are still working. I let that be known all the way home...

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