Thursday, December 26, 2019

Family holiday fun

When our family members started getting married, we agreed to split the holidays; one year together, the next year with our significant others' families. This was the year with my family, who couldn't wait to leave cold weather to fly to Florida.

My brother and his wife, minus their working children, arrived first. We had three days with them before the next group came, and we spent it with last-minute Christmas shopping, lots of food, walks on the beach, large amounts of coffee, pictures of palm trees, and plenty of laughter.

Sunday, we welcomed our Boston family, who rented a place on the beach not far from our house. The weather cooperated for both sides. We had some sixty-degree weather that the Floridians enjoyed and later in the week, seventy-degree weather for the northerners. 

We did a lot of eating, shopping, gaming, beaching, and much laughter. A great holiday visit.

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