Monday, December 02, 2019

Monday Morning NFL recap week 13

Steelers: I was worried when I saw our players wearing Free Pouncey shirts. I was concerned when I saw Browns coach Freddie Kitchens in a Pittsburgh Started It shirt. Glad to see I was worried for nothing. Both teams maintained their tempers.

  • The NFL warned both teams to behave. Steelers coach Mike Tomlin barely mentioned the Browns in his walk through speech yesterday. The Browns coach, however, ranted on about not letting the Steelers push them to retaliation, and then he went out in public wearing the shirt mentioned above. Hmm...
  • Again, I like that our third-string quarterback, Duck Hodges, is so laid back. It makes me want to go hunting with him, and I don't kill. Maybe I could take him mushroom hunting. That I'd do. That laid back style is exactly what the Steelers need in this trying season. Tomlin did the right thing going with Hodges. Especially in this game. 
  • Defense steps up again. I find it hard to believe our defense is only ranked 7th. TJ Watt had another sack to put him up 12 1/2 for the season--five sacks in total. A forced fumble and recovery. Pressure on Mayfield. An interception. The defense is totally what has made us this season. Good to have that back.
  • I was concerned we would have some problems between the teams, but the players seemed relaxed and even cheerful with one another. There were a couple of issues, but that's normal. All in all, good.
  • It started out slow, but we came alive in the second quarter. A beautiful touchdown pass to James Washington for a touchdown to tie the game. Great hands by Washington, especially since he was interfered with to hold on to that ball. Apparently, the two went hunting this past week together, so I hope they do it again this week. I've been annoyed Rudolph and Washington haven't been allowed to hook up more than they did. Glad to see Hodges went for it.
  • Benny Snell did well. Glad to have him healthy.
  • Baker Mayfield hit his hand on Bud Depree's helmet right before halftime and lord, you would've thought he'd lost a limb the way the CBS duo went on and on about it. He came back with it wrapped and in a glove with no issues in time for the second half. 
  • Crazy ref call on a Pittsburgh punt. A Browns player downed the ball on the one-yard line, but because he tried to do more, which resulted in touching the ball, it should've been a touchback. Tomlin threw the challenge flag, and we heard multiple times the ruling. Apparently, the ref didn't get the same memo because the decision on the field was upheld. Boy, did that fire up the CBS duo. 
  • We didn't do well managing the clock at the end, giving the ball back with two minutes left in the game. Is that not something we work on in practice?
  • I loved that we wrapped up the game with an interception. Go Defense! Oh, and it was done by a former Browns player, Joe Haden. Love that!


  • The games began, and within five minutes, the Green Bay/ Giants came had snow coming down so fast and furious I thought for sure we were going to lose players. It stopped just as suddenly as it began but left a beautiful white field for some slip and sliding.
  • Baltimore and the 49ers got some of the eastern weather in a messier form and not as pretty. Typical Baltimore.
  • Scott Hanson of the Redzone Channel couldn't get over the fact that some of the Giants helmets were losing its printing. He kept making reference too it until even he admitted he was harping on it. "
  • Cincinnati's Andy Dalton redeemed himself, and the Bengals earned their first win of the season and assured they won't go winless this year.
  • Best play of the day? The Miami Dolphins sent out the field goal unit on 4th and goal. The nine players split on either end of the field with the center and punter in the middle. Right there, I was suspicious. Especially when the kicker was to the left of the punter. What? Center Daniel Kilgore snapped the ball to punter Matt Haack who scrambled to his left and shovel passed the ball to kicker Jason Sanders for the touchdown. Trickery at it's finest.
  • Too bad their onside kick to start the second half failed. But, hey, when your 2-9 what the hell? Try it all!
  • It cracks me up how these players can run to one end of the field for a celebration, yet they can't seem to get down the field to catch a damn ball or tackle a wide-open player.
  • Nick Foles was the latest quarterback to be benched this year. He was sat in the third quarter after the Bucs went up 25-0. Foles had 93 yards, one interception, and two fumbles. Not a good day for the former Super Bowl MVP.
  • Gotta give it to Justin Tucker, kicker for the Ravens. He has one job to do, and by, golly, he does it. 38 kicks in a row. 
  • Bronco's Drew Lock, much like the Steelers Devlin Hodges, was pulled in (off injured reserve) and designated the starter all in one day. How cool was it then for him to get his first touchdown? I loved watching his parents in the stands after he threw that bomb. Good stuff.
  • The poor Chargers. They can't win, can they? Good game to the wire, though, and they almost had it. Denver threw a bomb in the hopes the Chargers would screw up. They did, drawing the penalty, and McManus kicked the winning FG for Drew Lock's first win. Good fun football. Unless you're a Chargers fan.

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