Wednesday, January 01, 2020

2020 Resolutions

My side of the family has kept resolutions since 1989. Actually, 1988, but somewhere those were lost, so we say 1989 with an asterisk*. It's a cool, little journal, and it shows when people joined our family and when we lost members. I have a file with the written notes, but moving into the electronic age, we now have a Google Drive folder. I also check in ever two months on my resolutions to hold myself accountable. Without further ado...

Here are my 2020 resolutions:

  1. Travel (Explore and open myself to new experiences)- I had this as a resolution a couple of years ago, and I said I wasn't going to repeat resolutions, so I added the last bit, so it wasn't necessarily the same. I think this year is about making myself stronger.)
  2. Get into an excellent mental and/or physical place where I don't mind having my picture taken. - See, I'm switching it up. I hate myself in photos, but images are for the future, as I've discovered this year when going through my boxes of them. This year I'll work toward loving myself in photos.
  3. Devise a working routine schedule Monday-Friday so that I do it and stick to it - I work from home. I really do. So, this year I'm starting a work schedule, and I shall turn off electronic devices and work everything else around those hours.
  4. Finish editing book #1, so Maya can edit and critique it. - I have to get it ready. Lots of plot changes coming and it will take work, but I have many who have offered to help me so...
  5. To drink less coffee and therefore less creamer - This one is the big one. I've got to cut down on the creamer, and to do so means doing the same with the coffee, and that can't hurt...right?
  6. To tackle some old resolutions that haunt me - Guess I'm going back, huh? But I really need to complete projects, and this holds me accountable (at least in my mind).

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to a new decade! Thanks for reading.

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