Sunday, March 01, 2020

Two month 2020 resolution check

Every two months, I check in to see how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions. This year, I wrote them down and have them taped to my desk, so I can be reminded of what I'm working on--or toward. I give myself a score between 1-10 with the hopes that by the end of the year, I'm perfect. 

Oh, boy.

Let's check-in (2 months):

  • Travel (Explore and open myself to new experiences)- I traveled to Orlando for a weekend. I met and engaged with new people. I have not booked many new trips except for another week in Orlando. I need to start thinking quickly. Score: 5
  • Get into an excellent mental and/or physical place where I don't mind having my picture taken. - I got my haircut, and it has made a HUGE difference in this resolution. So far, I've taken selfies and allowed people to photograph me. I'm not where I want to be physically, but I'm working. Score: 5
  • Devise a working routine schedule Monday-Friday so that I do it and stick to it - YES! This one has been done. At least I have work hours Monday-Thursday and one day on the weekend. I also have a cleaning schedule. I'm very proud of this resolution and speak of it quite often, letting people know my work hours are from 12-5. I still need to iron out some time for other things, so not quite perfect yet. Score: 8
  • Finish editing book #1, so Maya can edit and critique it. - I have not finished this, but I HAVE worked on it every day. I'm in the office. That counts. Score: 8
  • To drink less coffee and therefore less creamer - This has been, by far, the hardest resolution. In January, I tried to go one day a week without it, and I was reasonably good at doing so. In February, I went to two days a week. That was SO hard. When I did allow myself a cup, I found I'd drink two. Kinda defeated the purpose. Score: 3
  • To tackle some old resolutions that haunt me - YES! This one I added to #3 and have done it without fail. Project number one has been editing this blog. Project number two is working on something for my SIL that was given to me about ten years ago. Score: 8

Total Score: 37 out of 60

More than half! Go, me! 

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