Friday, April 03, 2020

Privileged whining

I keep reminding myself that my days haven't changed much. Why then does it seems like it is so vastly different? Because I can't just pick up and go? Anywhere? Somewhere? I'm grateful my husband still has a job to go to, and I'm delighted my children are safe and secure in our house. I'm entertained. I'm fed. I really have nothing to whine about, yet...

  • I'm not sleeping. I get snippets of rest, but I'm not getting the quality REM required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm lucky to get two nights out of seven, where I'm not looking at the clock. It's 2:00 a.m. It's 2:45 a.m. And so on. It's a mystery to me why I can't close my eyes and drift because I'm not lying there thinking about things. I'm not consciously stressing about our new situation. I'm just not sleeping. It's starting to catch up with me.
  • I'm not writing. I think about it regularly, but I'm too tired to make the trek from the couch to the office to put my brain to work. It's exhausted. What's on this blog is due to tiny bursts of energy and plain old fashioned grit. Then I need a rest.

  • I'm not working on my resolutions. Numbers one, two, and three on the reminder list I keep taped to my desk are gone due to COVID 19. Numbers four and five? See above. As for the fourth one, I think the only reason I'm functioning is due to my morning cup of coffee loaded with creamer. When the grocery runs out of creamer, I'll definitely make my resolution to drink less coffee, but now? Forget it.
  • I'm not eating three meals. Is it just me, or is time all over the place? We get up by 8:00 a.m., but suddenly it's 3:00 p.m., and I've not eaten lunch. Did I have breakfast? I eat a snack because it's too close to dinner, and then I scarf down dinner, and I'm hungry again when I'm staring at the clock reading 2:00 a.m.--stomach growling hungry. Yet, the thought of eating is dreary. I'm tired of the first two meals. 
  • My nose runs 24/7. People tell me it's the Florida pollen. Is it? Or is it...????
  • I miss Jason Momoa. He used to be on Instagram every day, giving me updates, showing me new items, lecturing me on the planet, and telling me he loves me. Now I see him once every week or so.  
**While these are my "legit" whines, I do not take this situation lightly. My husband has a job. We are safe and healthy. We have great weather and can get outside. My kids are at home. I'm aware I have it better than 90% of the people out there, including family members. I really do. Hugs to everyone.

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