Thursday, May 07, 2020

Four month resolution check

Every two months, I check in to see how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions. I give myself a score between 1-10 with the hopes that by the end of the year, I'm perfect. 

These two months were mostly in quarantine, so I'm not expecting much--something about stress, a pandemic, and sharing my house should give me some leeway, right?

Let's check-in (4 months):

  • Travel (Explore and open myself to new experiences)- Yeah, okay, well, did I mention the quarantine? The US has banned travel, so this resolution has been put on hold. Score: N/A
  • Get into an excellent mental and/or physical place where I don't mind having my picture taken. - Okay, this one I can actually say I've worked on. Having Darcy home--Ms. Workout Extraordinaire--has definitely helped me get on the stick. I've started walking and recently added some fitness videos and water aerobics to my routine. While I'm still not picture-worthy, I'm working on it! Score: 7
  • Devise a working routine schedule Monday-Friday so that I do it and stick to it - Yikes! This went bye-bye during the quarantine. Does waiting until five to have a cocktail--or as I call it these days, a quarantail--count? Score: 2 - Because, yeah, quarantine.
  • Finish editing book #1, so Maya can edit and critique it. - Nope. I haven't written anything but this blog since I returned from Orlando. It just isn't inside me right now. Score: 0
  • To drink less coffee and, therefore, less creamer - Nope, nope, and nope. Right now, whipped coffee is the beverage of choice in our house (well, besides liquor), and I have not joined that bandwagon, so that should count for something. Score: 2
  • To tackle some old resolutions that haunt me - YES! I have been editing my blog, scanning pictures, and working on my family tree. Whew! See, something has been accomplished. Score: 10

Total Score: 21 out of 50 and a N/A - But again, QUARANTINE! PANDEMIC! COVID19!

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