Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Quarantine day 61

Every morning I awake to Madison's voice from the other room, teaching math. I sluff out to the kitchen where I exchange good morning pleasantries with Oleg. Darcy is outside on the back porch jumping and pumping iron. Sometimes I dread it all.

Shake things up, people!

Oh, we do--on the weekends. Then, Tom is at least a different face.

Next week will be different. Oleg will be back at his apartment an hour's drive away. He begins his internship--virtually--on Monday. Now, he is ordering groceries for pick-up and slowly building a pile with his belongings. We've enjoyed having him, and we will miss him--especially his cooking. He made delicious meals!

Our county is slowly re-opening. I received a call from my hairdresser that she is back to work. It went to my home phone, which rings on my cell phone, and I answered it while driving through at Starbucks. I expected it to be a solicitor since those people are back to work, so when it turned out not to be someone I could get rid of quickly, I panicked. Drive-thrus set me on edge for some reason. I worry the person at the other end is judging me for my slowness or some such nonsense. I couldn't begin to repeat the conversation with my hair lady, and I'm sure she thinks I've lost it during the quarantine.

Maybe I have.

It isn't as if I'm leaving quarantine for a haircut. I'm more an err-on-the-side-of-caution-than a dive-in-see-where-it-lands-me kind of gal. I'm not going to hop on a plane, stay in a hotel, or dine in a restaurant just yet. I'll reevaluate after I pass the one hundred day quarantine benchmark, but I'm also trying hard not to judge those who feel differently.

Although I do think everyone should wear a mask. It's human decency to respect those around you.

Until next week--STAY SAFE.

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