Monday, June 29, 2020

Quarantine day 108

Florida continues climbing up the positive ladder of newly diagnosed coronavirus cases and, low and behold, the category suddenly spiking is the YOUNGSTERS, which according to the bureaucrats, are people forty years and younger. The median age of those now contracting the virus in Florida is 37 years old. So much for the nasty biting comments from naysayers regarding COVID and our youth.

The virus is now hitting people I know. My SIL said this is what it would take for people to wise-up. She told me last week that people would need to know others who'd contracted COVID--to see what this virus does firsthand--to stop the bullshit whining and non-mask wearing. That's sad in itself.

The bars are closed once again in Florida, which cracks me up. I've never been much of a bar person, but I can honestly say I've done more drinking since COVID started than I did all of last year. But it has been done IN MY HOUSE. People spending big bucks on watered-down drinks during a recession, let alone a pandemic, isn't something I understand, but apparently, the addition of alcohol makes it easier for people to forget social distancing, etc.

I went out yesterday with the girls. Ironically, to a liquor store for "necessities," and I say that with a wink. Darcy has this obsession now with purchasing alcohol now that she is twenty-one. She isn't drinking it, however, because her body is a temple (she works out religiously every morning in the Florida heat, seven days a week), but I have no problem partaking. Or, maybe I do. Either way, we really just wanted to get out of the house where we I am still quarantined.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me seeing everyone masked.

See, how hard was that?

We get takeout food once or twice a week. Amazon hasn't lost our business--shoutout to Prime! We're Instacart users and Walmart/Target pickup people. The girls and I have all shopped and purchased online at our fav retailers. We're still doing our part to help businesses.

This week I've made a pact to get back to writing. Tom is busy with home projects for us and his mother. Madison has pulled out another puzzle. Darcy is exercising, planning on a visit with Oleg this holiday weekend, and studying. So, I've decided to get off my ass and get back to where I was before this pandemic.

I'm not sure I can even remember where that was, but I do know I was writing.

Also, this week I will be trying to extend the American Airlines voucher I received last summer. Anyone know the rules on this? Or who I can contact? Shoot me an email if you do. I'd hate for that to go to waste.

Stay safe, peeps!

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